Shannon I attended the benefit concert in Phoenix (where I live) and Stevie put out a spectacular show. Half way through the concert she made a wardrobe change with a few different shawls and ditched her "moonboots" to her traditional platform pumps worn years before. One of her finales was another costume change with a grand entrance to her wearing her black hat with big white feather. Her dedicated song "Has anyone ever written anything for you" was sung with such grace, it brought the true Stevie Nicks out of her shell to relive the Queen of Rock! Vincent Alright, i can not so goed englisch, i m living in Germany, but i m from Belgium...and i was there in was so exciting for me to see Her and her friends. She was perfect...her voice...great...many feelings...i cannot really explain what i´ m feeling...but it´s was great and beautifull ...Stevie...Thanks so Much....and you live in a so nice staat...Arizona ist nice than you...with your smile and your great great voice...i m really happy that i was there...."everyday" was perfect..."Landslide" more than perfect....and all of the concert was Great and Beautifulll...and it was my birthday on this time 12.06....thanks you have give me a so nice gift....i want mor writting...but it´s difficult for me to explain in Englisch what i thinks...only this"Thanks"...i hope i can see you again Stevie...Bye Vincent Kevin
(Aka Pattie) from Providence, RI Thursday the big day was here! I was nervous all day I could not even eat. I put on my purple evening dress and I went and had my nails and hair done at the Crowne Plaza salon. I had a few people in the hotel lobby tell me I looked like someone who would be in Stevie's entourage. This was such a big complement for me. I was at the pre-concert party when I realized that I did not bring anything for Stevie to autograph, I had left everything back in RI. A nice fan I had met offered to give me the article from June's US magazine so I took it just in case I met Stevie. Finally it was time to go to our seats. I sat right down in front row about 4 seats away from Stevie's mic. Well than the time came, the High Priestess took the stage in her hometown. This was the first time I have ever seen Stevie so close. She looked so beautiful; I was just in awe of her throughout the whole show. She just rocked the arena. The musical guest highlights for me were Lindsey and Mick. I wish that Stevie had done one more song with them. One other highlight was when Stevie and Don Henley sang Leather and Lace. I almost died when Don took his arm around her shoulders. She looked so adorable. The whole concert was great and very similar to the TISL shows. I was wishing for a little variety, but I was just happy to be there to see Stevie in her hometown. This was the first time I was able to touch Stevie's hand during Edge of Seventeen. She stopped right in front of me and bent down quite a bit, I was kind of embarrassed. Then the big event, we went to the after show party at Kincaid's. They had drinks and appetizers, but I did not really have anything. After about an hour and a half Stevie, Mick and her Mom and Dad walk into the restaurant. Stevie was presented with a gift but I did not get to see it from where I was. I could only hear something that it was purple and her favorite color. A table was roped off and set up as kind of a receiving line. Stevie's Mom Barbara, Stevie and Mick sat down at the table. The event was poorly organized; they should have lined us up in some kind of order, maybe giving us a number. I waited in the line and it was finally my turn. I look at her and she has the most beautiful brown eyes and her skin glows. I gave Stevie a Kirks Folly Fairy Pin holding a US flag. It was in a box with a card taped around it so she couldn't open it right there. I said to her" Here this is for you." She says "Oh for me? Thank you". I hand her the article and ask if she can sign it. She looks at it and goes "Ohh" like she is pleasantly surprised. Then she says "and you are"? I tell her my name and spell it out." PATTIE". She looks confused; I guess she couldn't understand my Rhode Island accent LOL. She says, "What was it again?" Maybe she can't hear that well after doing a concert because the second time I told her she watched my lips move. Then she says "oh" as if to say I got now and wow that was quite simple. She signs the article and says "Thanks Pattie and thanks for the gift". I then go down to Mick Fleetwood and tell him he is the greatest drummer, he shakes my hand and says thanks and I get him to sign the article as well. I appear nonchalant but inside I can't believe this is really happening to me. I see that some people are going up again and I realize that I did not bring the POTU CD that they gave us up to have signed. I felt very guilty but hey others were doing it and I did come over 2000 miles. I get up to the front and there was a man taking names and he says "Stevie this is Pattie. And than he asks me with a "y" and I and say NO IE!! I am so embarrassed my face is beet red and my hands are over my face. So Stevie sees me and gives me a huge smile and says "Hi Pattie" and I say "Oh, um hi Stevie". Then she says "Thanks Pattie". I say" OK Bye now." Well that's all. That was my Stevie experience. I only wish I was a little more brave taking photos at the concert. I took a few. It was very hard for a short person to take photos with all those people in front of me at the party. I plan on going again to the benefit next year. I met so many nice fans my entire trip. I just wish I could have some more time to talk with them. I hope to get to next year. It was an experience I will never forget.
Colleen WOW!!! The concert was amazing!! I'm so glad I made the trip from Michigan to see Stevie. It was so awesome!! I was a little nervous because we got there later that I wanted but I didn't miss anything. My seat was in section 101. They weren't too bad, they were actually better than I thought. Anyway, once we could hear "I hear there's trouble in shangri-la..." the crowd and myself were on our feet screaming for our favorite performer. What an exciting moment. She sounded so amazing!!! I went to a show earlier this year in Ohio, and she didn't seem to have as much energy as she did in her hometown. Wow, Thurday night she was twirling and dancing all over the stage. Oh and my favorite part was at the end of "Stand Back" whe she did her high kick. It was so cute because you could tell she put a lot of energy into it. Oh and the guests were great. Sheryl Crow brought a lot of energy to the stage. Don Henley was awesome. When he was singing his part during "Leather and Lace" he was holding Stevie in his arms. So cute!! Oh and when she sang "Landslide" with Lindsey Buckingham. That was so awesome. I didn't think I'd ever get to see that live! And Mick Fleetwood, what a showman. He was so funny! I can't wait to she him and the others on the Fleetwood Mac tour next year. Oh and another thing, during most of the show, Stevie had her platform sneakers on, but towards the end she put her trademark boots on. That was cool. The most beautiful moment was when she sang HAEWAFY. She came out in her hat with the big feather on it. She looked gorgeous. I was so quiet when she sang, and her voice was just breathtaking. That song really gets to me. After that, she was telling the crowd that we must love each other like George Harrison said because we never know what can happen. And then she started to choke up. It was very touching. In conclusion, the show was extraordinary. Stevie looked and sounded fantastic(of course) and her guests were awesome. It was well worth the 5 hour plane ride to get there and I'd do it again in a second. To Stevie: your music is so amazing and touches many people unlike any other artist. You are a true rock n' roller. Don't ever stop!!! We all love you!! ROCK ON GOLD DUST WOMAN!!!!!!! Rose,
Tucson Az Stop Draggin My Heart Around ~ First time that i have seen this one live. It was very nice, desperately missed Outside the Rain. She said that this was the last show on the TISL tour and that she was glad to come to Phoenix. Enchanted ~ Lots of fun to dance to!! Dreams ~ Like i said before, missed Outside the Rain. Gold Dust Woman ~ Love this one as always. Very nice scream and some lovely twirling. At this point the people behind us were frantic for us to sit down. I blamed it on the people in front of us who were standing, but i was thrilled to be standing and dancing and having a good time. Sorcerer ~ Sheryl Crow. I personally think that this was one of the better performances that i have seen. I was hoping that she would go high but she didnt. My Favorite Mistake ~ Not a big Sheryl fan but i must admit that she is really good live and i really dig this song! Mindy stayed to do background vocals and Sharon left with Stevie. Leather and Lace ~ Looked like Don was patting the Buddha on the head for good luck before he went out. I have seen them do this three times and this one was the best out of all three. They were really affectionate and that was really awesome to see. End of Innocence ~ Nice to sing along with everyone. Boys Of Summer ~ Don played guitar for this one. It was a more rocking version than last year but it was still very cool!! Everyday ~ This song live is so much better than on the album!!! Rhiannon ~ Very cool!!! At this point we had moved over a seat so that one of our friends could join us. The woman in front of me had this black and white Stevie face shirt on (like the one from Absolutely Fabulous) and she was really tall!! I couldnt see the stage over her, but if she was standing that meant that i got to stand and dance so i didnt mind. After the show a friend of mine said that she forgot to do the "one in a million years.." part, but i didnt notice, having too much fun. Very nice, lots of good energy. Stand Back ~ Oh wow!!! I danced my heart out to this one!! I was able to take a pic during the high kick, but it was on someone else's camera so i hope it came out. How she can kick her foot that high, i will never know or understand. Just amazing!!! Landslide ~ Oh so sweet. Not my favorite song but i really enjoyed it this time around. Stevie said it is her dad's favorite (looked for him in the audience but could not find him). Big Love ~ Everyone cheered for this one, i loved it, as i always do. Go Insane & Poem ~ Love this poem. So glad that he does it before Go Insane. And of course, go insane rocks!!! Love Minus Zero ~ Lindsey started by saying that this song was by one of the greatest writers of all time. Then he introduced Mick. He talked about the song and working with Mick but i couldnt really understand because i was too excited to hear what song it was and because the audience was talking. From the way he talked about the song, it sounded like it was written by George Harrison. He dedicated it to George. Great song!! Sheryl Crow came out and watched them play from the side of the stage. I thought that was really cool. She also watched Don. Everyday is a Winding Road ~ Like this one live. Poor Stevie got so caught up in playing her tambo that she forgot to go to the mic for the chorus and raced up there. He he he, i love it when she does that! :) Too Far From Texas ~ Natalie Maines was wearing knee high boots. The friend i sat next to said she really sounded like a young Stevie. Band Intros. ~ she took a long time with these which made it almost sound like a goodbye. She told us all to be really nice to Al when we saw him walking down the street. Fall From Grace~ WOW!!! Such awesome energy. Danced the whole time, looked at Stevie towards the end so that i could watch the build up to surviiiiiiiiiiiive. I think Waddy broke a string because he had to switch guitars. Drum Solo ~ made a bid for the stage, denied. But we upgraded from Sec 101 row 17 to Sec 101 row 3 or 4. Edge of Seventeen ~ Always awesome. Danced the whole song, but watched the scream. When her voice has had time to rest, the scream rocks!! Very good performance. Missed Sharon at the mic. The best part about this one was that i was totally rocking out in my shawl and she was looking in our direction, which of course made my dance harder and jump and wave. She didnt wave back. I Need to Know ~ Natalie Maines came back for this one. They were really good for this one. I love this song!!! Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You ~ This means that it is time to say goodbye. Cried of course. Made sure i was standing next to Jamie so that i could give her a big hug. After the song was done, they all came out and said goodbye. Stevie said she would be coming back to Phoenix to spend Christmas with us. Hope she doesnt get pissed when i show up on her doorstep :) Mick had really good things to say about Stevie which was really nice. After they left and house light came up, i had to find my other friends. So if you saw a crazy redhead in black with a blue shawl on jumping up and down on a chair, that was me. We went down to the floor and up to the stage. Mindy and Sharon had left water bottles on the stage, I was going to ask for them but then i thought that would be too weird. So instead we asked for her mic stand, the buddhas, a guitar...When i asked the security guard if there was a set list taped to the floor on stage, he said no. When i got all bummed, he pulled one out and gave it to me. I jumped up and down and gave him a big hug. And that was my Stevie night!! A very special concert as always. Definately made up for the fact that i did not get to see her do a regular show. Molly Phoenix, AZ I have seen many concerts but none that have ever touched my heart, mind, and soul as this one. Thank you Stevie! Tracy in Tucson For the second year in a row I attended my second Stevie Nicks concert, & my second concert ever!! I thought nothing could possibly top last year's show, but I was wrong. This show was fabulous! From the second Stevie came out I didn't catch my breath. Every song was perfect. I stood up the entire time. I sang every note along with her. This year I brought binoculars, so seeing her up close was an incredible thrill! She is more beautiful than I ever imagined. The lighting was phenomenal, making her look like an angel to me. I loved Sorcerer (an instant classic) & Fall From Grace (a new rocker in the tradition od Edge of Seventeen). My favorite this year was Gold Dust Woman. When she screamed at the end she invited the audience to join her, & they did. I never wanted the night to end. Thank you to Sheryl, Natalie, Don, Mick, Lindsey, the band & most of all thank you to Stevie for doing such a wonderful benefit for a great cause & for bringing so much magic to everyone's lives. I'll be threre next year, I can hardly wait!! Michelle Lynn The concert was spectacular, I'm glad I made the 2000 mile trip just to see it, definately worth it. Mick and Natilie were a nice surprise to the show. The band was awesome. Keep on rockin Stevie. Love from Florida, Michelle Lynn gavin h
anonymous Anonymous Simply Enchanting! April L. Marrero Now here is a woman "who can consume all the beauty in the room"... Stevie still possesses all the magic she did when I saw her in Tucson in 1977 (her first tour as a Fleetwood Mac member). Thank you Stevie for loving all of us ~ A native from Arizona Deanna I flew to Phoenix to see Stevie's show from Omaha, NE. This was my 8th Stevie concert and one of the best ever. My one regret was not buying the donation ticket and having the opportunity to meet her after the year for sure (I was lucky enough to be directly behind the donation seats however!). I think nearly everyone felt like I did, breathless, as we watched Stevie grace the stage with Don Henley, Lindsay and was amazing to these "legends" together on one stage. I thought Stevie's emotional message to her audience at the shows end was truly take care of one another because this life is so fragile. Thank You Stevie. Bob Goodman Hello Friends I have never written a review of a Stevie Concert before, but last Thursday night was so magical I just had to share it with you! Here's what happened... My partner, Mark, and I drove in from Los Angeles, and stayed at a hotel about 2 blocks away from the Arena. We left for the Concert at about 7:40 p.m., and we got all the way down to the Lobby when I realized that Mark may want some ear plugs for the show (as he has sensitive hearing). I asked him if he wanted the plugs and he said yes. I felt torn about going back (because I did not want to be late), but I knew it was important to him. So, we went back. Then, on the way to the Arena, this really great feeling washed over me, and I said to Mark, "I've got a great feeling about tonight. I have a feeling that this is going to be a very special evening." Boy, did that turn out to be an understatement!!! We got the Arena just a few minutes before 8:00 p.m. When we got in it was quite crowed, and we began making our way to our seats (toward the back of the Arena). The crowd was so heavy at that point, that we spontaneously decided to hold hands to stay together. (Being a gay couple, we normally do not hold hands outside of Los Angeles, but being in a Stevie crowd, it did not seem unsafe.) Then about a minute later (if that), a guy came up to us with a flash light, tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Can I talk with you guys for a second?" I immediately thought it was someone from Security who was going to hassle us about holding hands. I took a deep breath and braced myself for a confrontation. Then he said, "How would you guys like to see the show from the front row?" I said, "What?" And Mark said, "What's the catch?" (Can you tell we were a little suspicious?) Then he said, "I know this sounds crazy, but my partner and I have four tickets. A couple of friends of ours were supposed to join us tonight, but they couldn't make it. So, we'd like you to join us if you would like." We were both stunned, but said, "Yes. Of course. Thank you." (Of course, we remained a bit suspicious...kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.) The guys, we learned their names were Joe and Paul, then lead us to our seats: THEY WERE FRONT ROW--CENTER!!! STEVIE'S MIC WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! I WAS GOING INSANE INSIDE!!! A few minutes later, the concert began. I won't bore you all with a blow by blow, but let me just say it was THE BEST CONCERT I HAVE EVER BEEN TO!!! Stevie was AMAZING, and all the guests were absolutely wonderful. I also went absolutely nuts when Lindsey and Mick came out! I really wanted them to know that they were loved, too. (And, I think they got the message!!!) Of course, one of the highlights was the end of "Edge of 17" when folks were allowed to approach the stage...and yes, STEVIE SHOOK MY HAND!!! WHAT A THRILL!!! The evening ended with a trip to an after concert party at a local restaurant. Stevie and Mick came and folks hung out and got pictures and signatures. I didn't approach the table where they were sitting (because it was just so crowded), but it was such a thrill to be in the same room with them. We also got a chance to get to know Joe and Paul a bit better. Of course, they turned out to be the most wonderful guys!...really warm! We also learned that one of their friends who was supposed to come to the concert that night had the same birthday as me (June 10--which was Judy Garland's birthday)--and that Paul is a big Judy fan! So many things seemed to come together so beautifully that night. It was like we were chess pieces and someone above was just moving us around. I started to realize that if we had not gone back for the ear plugs, and if we had not been holding hands in that particular moment, the whole evening might not have happened the way it did! It was things with Stevie often are! Thanks for reading. It's been such a pleasure to share the "magic" with you! God bless-- Jarred Stevie Nicks has touched many throughout her career. It was moving to witness the personal exchanges between Stevie and her guests. Don Henley ignited the audience when he joined Stevie on Leather and Lace and continued to endure us with the End of the Innocence and Boys of Summer. Cheryl Crow rocked! Her collaboration with Stevie is most phenominal. It was spiritual to witness Stevie and Lindsey's Landslide as the audience harmonized along with them, and Lyndsey still works his magic on the guitar. You could sense the love and respect that Mick Fleetwood displayed when he joined Lyndsey and Stevie on stage. Fleetwood Mac was present in spirit though John and Christine McVie were not in attendance. Too Far from Texas and Need to Know showcased the enhanced harmonic vocals between Stevie and Natalie. Stevie without question was enchanting, passionate, and in top form. When she sings, "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You," she has done so for many generations and those yet to come. After the encore, Stevie and guests wished for us to be good to one-another and to be well. We recipricate the same. For selfish reasons, we look forward to your continued success and influence, especially when it comes to your gratuitous work in order to help those in need, and more so during these troubled times. Thank you and blessings. David Sullivan
Scottsdale AZ anonymous Karen and
Tami from Lincoln, Ne Sarah Carol Filosi
Cheryl C./Seattle Keri Evans
Scottsdale, AZ
Charles Edwards
Love, Charles Edwards
Shayne First off the arrival. I got to the main entrance a little before the doors opened. One of the local radio stations had this fun little sing a long (I know what its really called but I can't spell it for the life of me............I can't spell a lot of things for the life of me) thing going on. People coming up and singing Landslide, Stop Dragging My Heart Around. A fun little way to get pumped. I was tempted.......I was.......but the doors opened. So I got inside and bought three special AHI/TISL T's. One for moi, one for my mummy, and one for my oh so cute guitar teacher (now continue to imagine a cute little purring sound rolling off my tongue. Also I gotta the TISL teddy that I have now named Sapphire (in the tradition of naming my last bear Glitter. (He has a friend now! Damn that's more than me. Heehee) The entering of the arena. This is the very first time I have gotten a floor seat for a Stevie AHI concert and I'm pretty damn psyched. So I get down to the floor and the usher takes me to my seat in section B. Now I'm almost in the center and I'm happy, I'm cool, and I find out that its the freaking ushers first day. Meaning to put me on the wrong side of the row. So I move my butt to the other side. Now I'm buuuumin for just a moment. Just until the hand of "Wake up and count your clues" smacks on the head and reminds me that I STILL have a better seat than last show and the show before that. That and I meet a sweet guy named Mike who was sitting next to me asked me out on a date. WOO.....whoa......that was close. Ok enough yadda yadda's lets get to the set list..... Before the show even started there were a few announcements and now I can say that everyone got a little bootie last night. Bootlishous of course. Everyone seemed to have fun bopping up and down to that one. Ok then, the lights are out, the crowd is hyped, my cupith is runith over from my blouse, and then........... A funk remix intro of Trouble in Shangri-La - Which was a cool way to start the show. It was too bad her father wasn't there to introduce her. But I guess it was best for his health. Anyway the funky bunch that is Stevie's band takes there places. Then walks out on the ground that many fans would worship, sleep on, lick and then spit into a little vile and sell it on Ebay (What? I'm the only one??) Its Stevie Lynn Nicks!! Ok now for the rock and roll -Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Now this was a pleasure since she had dropped this song just before I was going to see her first solo concert a couple years back. But now I'be had my chance. I tell I love Waddy and Tom singing this song with her but for some reason I just think it would be killer if Roger Daltrey of The Who would sing it with her. Its a dream, a highly unbloody likely dream, and it shall sit next to Johnny Rezinik wrapped in nothing but guitar strings (ya you can do the purring thing again.) -Enchanted - -Dreams- Yes Dreams and not Crystal. Believe me if she sang that one my legs would be sticking out from behind my neck just from one round of flipping out. -Gold Dust Woman - Its classic glad shawl wearing, twirling, chanting Stevie throgh and through. Sorcerer - In the words of Pete Townshend.....There is Crow everywhere! The first of many entrances of Miss Sherl Crow. I tell you all right now. I'm tried of Britney, Chistina, JLo, Shakira (although I do like her. You know "Butts thou are wide stick side by side.") Sheryl is 100% pure sexy. She just looks hot in her black blousey, dressy, rosey, slits up the side, guy gettin chicwear! She makes me say "I think I can wear leather pants. I think I can wear leather pants. I Know I can wear leather pants!) What? Oh ya the song. Heehee You know what I really love about a live show? When the band is moving in the same fluid motion as the song itself. Thats what you can call N-sync. Ya I'm sticking it to ya Timberlake! My Favorite Mistake - Sheryl minus guitar or bass guitar. Just her and sexiness. Leather and Lace - Every AHI benefit I have seen them perform this number this one has to be my all time favorite performance. I have always been a longtime Lindsey and Stevie romantic. Now I think I'm converting to a Stevie and Don romantic! I'll just mention this first. Before Don walk out on stage. He was standing by the side playing around with one if the buddaish TNSL figurines. Hey it was funny so I mention it. Then when it came for his part of L&L it was just too sweet the way he was holding her in his arms while he was singing. Stevie was singing along with him to herself and he kissed he softly on her head. Awwwwwww. Just a beautiful sight for sore eyes. Stevie and Lindsey has there moment last year and now I think it was Dons turn. Just makes my heart melt. Cupid! Can you like not see the target crazy glued to my heart?? -End of the Innocence - -Boys of Summer - The rockin version this time next too the more mellow version he did last year. He played electric guitar and rock with the guitarist that played along on his set. Although when he strapped on the guitar I was hopping for "Dirty Laundry." Well lets hope for next year then -Everyday -Piano solo for -Rhiannon - Classic Stevie. Fists pumping during "All the same, All the same....." Imagine the concussions that could have occurred.........especially with the people in the row in front of me?? -Stand Back - Infreakintastic Classic Stevie -Landslide - People, I hope your sitting down. it goes.....Lindsey......wore..... a white shirt! :-o Oh my goodness I'm shaking! I was in Lindsey drag just for him and he bumps me one! Lookin oh so fine with age. A fine wine my friend. Anyway people have been taking about the tension between S&L but I though it was them feeling more comfortable as friends the second time around. Just what my eyes see. ANYWAY back to Landslide. It was Dedicated to her dad one last time. Tearjerker all the way. -Big Love - BRILLENT -A poem -Go Insane - Hulloooooo?? Guitar World? You need to do some reviewing of the top 100 greatest guitar players. Ya? Ok? Good. -My Love - A new Fleetwood Mac song with Lindsey and the nickerless (not naked, just in a suit) Mick Fleetwood. While Lindsey was making a speech Mick would do his little "ba dum dum ching" during every little break in between. Again like Don with the Budda a funny moment. Then Lindsey dedicated the song to the hardcore and in my mind the cute Beatle, and their friend George Harrison. -EDIAWR - Sexiness is back again for a very funky jamming version of this song -Too Far From Texas - Out comes Natalie Maines in a cool funky black mini dress with the top drooping in various directions. But hell it looked better on her than it will ever look on me. Very nice new duet. I would have loved to have heard the both of them crank out Goodbye Earl but so many songs so little time Band Introductions- I'll bet Lenny Castro has some very nice hook-ups after Stevie's intro for him last night. Lite a cigar for Lenny! -Fall From Grace - The Crow needs to spread herself around a little more one of the best r&r songs Stevie has done in a long time. Drum solo which lead into- Very cool although I actually missed the 20 minute drum solo from Mick. Man, you don't know what you got till its gone. A moment of silence please... -Edge of Seventeen - Angela I am so jealous of you! Heehe -Encore: I Need to Know - With Natalie Maines -HAEWAFY- Stevie with the classic Top Hat and feathers. Toni girl that one is for you. And last but not least the bows, the bows, and the bows. Another magical night has ended folks and I am on my way home. Ok still longwinded but I laided off the !!!! and the woo whoo's. Control is a go.........its a good thi.......... control is a....................Oh feck it all............. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, I was able to hold it back for THAT long? People who know me KNOWS that would break a sweat. Well Stevie fans thank you for your time. I said what I could in the best I knew how. I hope you enjoyed it. Once again thank you Stevie Nicks for your grace that falls from heaven. Till the next show.........have a heart. Love you all with moons and stars, Shayne ;-)
Barb Muscutt
Reno, Nevada
Jim O.
Lincoln Ne.
Phx, AZ
Stephanie Blessings, Stephanie (named after Stevie) Debbie Berglund
Jim Rice
Stevie, keep on creating and sharing your wonderful talent with the world. There may be Trouble in Shangri-La, but last night in Phoenix it was nothing but paradise. We love you....
Coral Anderson
When we got to our seats in row three I thought I was going hypervenilate I was so excited. I have never been close up at any other Stevie concert. It was great to actually be able to see everyone on the stage. The concert was truely a dream come true for me. Not only did we get to enjoy Stevie but we also got to see Don Henley, Lindsey Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood and others. Also at the during Edge Of Seventeen I made it up to the stage to reach out and touch Stevie's beautiful hands and look into her eyes. That one moment was so incredible. So just when I think things could not get any better after the concert was over we headed over to the post-party at Kincaids at the collier center. They gave everyone there a gift and wine and food. It was very nice. Then Stevie, Mick and Stevie's parents arrived at the party. They sat at a table and everyone crowed around to get autographs and talk to them. It was really crowded and everyone was pushing but Kelly and I made it up to the table. I quickly told Stevie briefly about Kelly and my story and had her sign the wrapped CD which she wrote my name on, then Kelly asked her for a hug and she gave both of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I also met Mick and got his autograph. Then I talked to Stevie's parents too and they were both so sweet and cute. I love them all. Stevie was so genuinely kind and I am so happy that I finally had a chance to thank her for what she has done for my life. That was a night that will forever be in my heart. On my drive home today I could not stop sheding tears of joy thinking about how my one dream has finally come true. I will never forget what Jimmy(another person I met) said to me after I met Stevie, Now that you have touched her she will be flowing through you forever. Jimmy if your reading this Thank You and don't forget about the picture
"Leather and Lace" was another song that was incredible. Her and Don Henley were adorable when they were singing it. After Don there was Lindsay. It's so hard to describe how it is to see Stevie and Lindsay singing together. "Landslide" was the best I have ever heard it. They were so in sync with each other it sounded perfect. They couldn't have done it any better. Before they sang it she dedicated it to her father, which was so sweet. I was in total shock when Lindsay introduced Mick Fleetwood. I had no idea he was going to be there. It was an honor to watch him and Lindsay perform together. They performed like they did in the early Fleetwood Mac days. Stevie came back on the stage after Lindsay and Mick were finished and she lit up the crowd again. The fans were out of control. She was dancing her feet off and enjoyed every minute of it. Natalie Maine's also appeared as a guest star and they sang "Too Far From Texas." Her voice sounded identical to Stevie's. It was weird because when Natalie sang a verse it was hard to tell between her and Stevie. And then of course there was Sheryl Crow. Sheryl even had the crowd going during "My Favorite Mistake." Stevie was in the background playing her tambourine and singing the chorus. They sing together with so much energy and excitement. It's really neat that Sheryl even dances like Stevie now. You can tell how much she appreciates the opportunity to be playing with Stevie. The best part of the concert was at the end. I was seated in the fourth row. This guy who I met there and I went up by the stage when she sang "Edge of Seventeen." I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was flying. Waddy had his usual instrumental solo until Stevie was ready to come back out. He really gets the crowd pumped up for this song. When she started singing it was magical. Her voice was so strong and powerful. When she ended the song and came over to shake out hands I was so nervous. She shook my hand and I didn't want to let go. She is such a genuine and warm-hearted person. As she walked down to shake the rest of the fans hands I walked along with her and took pictures. I was even able to take a picture with her parents because they were standing down there as well. Her parents were so gracious that fans wanted to take pictures with them. After she sang "Edge of Seventeen" she sang three or four more songs. She even had her hat with feathers on during these songs. Then her, Mick, Lindsay, Natalie, and her band bowed for the audience. She definitely gave an outstanding performance along with her guests. If it was up to her, I bet she could have sang for her fans all night because she was having so much fun. Her energy and powerful voice were strong throughout her whole performance. The experience I had was everything I expected and more. I am so grateful that I was able to experience one of the greatest moments in my life with my mom there. Stevie is the best, of the best, of the best and I want to thank her for giving me the opportunity to meet her. Flying in from Chicago was worth it and I will never forger that night. |