![]() PR Newswire Dec 9, 2002 Give Gifts That Support the Lifesaving Research at City of Hope LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Giving gifts to help others is sure to top wish lists this holiday season. From limited-edition lithographs based on Stevie Nick's music to greeting cards and other gift ideas, consumers can use their purchasing power to help fund cures for cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes and other serious diseases that affect people across America. City of Hope Cancer Center uses 85 cents from every dollar donated to further groundbreaking research and treatment options and will share these scientific discoveries with medical centers around the world. GIFT IDEAS -- Inspired by Stevie Nicks' 1979 song, "Sisters of the Moon" and designed by British artist Debby Faulkner-Stevens, 500 limited- edition four-color lithographs are for sale to raise money for the Robin Anderson Memorial Fund at City of Hope Cancer Center. Founded by Nicks, the Fund honors her lifelong friend, Robin Anderson, who passed away from leukemia in 1982. The striking lithographs feature lyrics from the popular "Sisters of the Moon" track are hand-finished in gold, numbered and signed by Faulkner-Stevens. Available for $60, the prints can be viewed and purchased online at http://www.faulkner-stevensart.com . -- Christopher Radko, acclaimed designer of collectible tree trimmings, offers a specially designed limited-edition glass ornament, crafted to resemble the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon. Priced at $36.95 each, with $10 donated to City of Hope's fight to cure breast cancer. To order, log on to http://www.vromansbookstore.com . -- JewelryNetwork.com, Inc.'s Ribbon of Hope pin includes 17 gorgeous pink simulated diamonds. The pin is currently $27.95 for 14-karat, 10-karat and sterling silver designs. Log onto http://www.jewelrynetwork.com to order. -- Collectors of fine crystal can support breast cancer research by purchasing limited edition Halos for Hope from Crystal World. The handcrafted miniature angels retail for $60, are made of full-lead faceted crystal and feature a molded glass pink ribbon over their hearts. For a list of authorized dealers, visit http://www.crystalworld.com/dealers.htm . -- A new "how-to" cook book entitled, "A Man's Place is in the Kitchen," uses a simple step-by-step approach to meal preparation and allows even the culinary "challenged" to prepare mouth-watering recipes. Look for it on Amazon.com , Borders and Barnes and Noble. Ten percent of the royalties will be donated to City of Hope. -- PinkRibbons.com is dialing up funds for a cure. The Internet service provider will donate 15 percent of the monthly access charge, $18.95, from new subscribers to City of Hope. PinkRibbons.com offers up to 5 e-mail addresses, 24/7 technical support and more than 5,000 local access dial-up numbers. For CDs containing all of the necessary tools to log onto http://www.pinkribbons.com . ENTERTAINING -- Through January 2003, Diners Club offers members Double Club Reward Points and a chance to help save lives. Card members who donate funds to City of Hope using their Diners Club Card by calling a special toll free number (887-931-HOPE) will receive this bonus reward. -- Collect red can tabs from Hansen's delicious Sodas and Smoothies and Pink Ribbon Proofs-of-Purchase from Bottled Juices and Iced Teas. Up to $100,000 will be donated for all qualifying Hansen's products. Log on to http://www.hansens.com for details. -- This holiday season, consumers can purchase Shasta St. Nick's Cranberry, Ginger Ale, Cola, and Diet Cola holiday beverages in retail outlets nationwide. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these beverages will benefit research at City of Hope. GREETING CARDS -- Office Depot presents a special line of six holiday cards, with one designed by a City of Hope pediatrics patient. To view these cards stop by a copy and print center within any Office Depot store nationwide, or go online to http://www.officedepot.com . The last day to place your order is December 14, 2002. Prices start at $37.88 per box of 25, with discounts for multiple box orders. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the holiday cards will be donated to City of Hope. -- The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation will donate a portion of the proceeds of its line of holiday photo greeting cards. Cards are packaged 18 to a box and are being sold for $15. For more information, visit them online at http://www.pcrf-kids.com . -- City of Hope's unique and beautiful Cards for Hope are the perfect gift for the holidays. Consumers can send these colorful messages in styles from serene to jubilant, from traditional to contemporary to honor, pay tribute or remember friends and relations. Purchases will help City of Hope win the war against life-threatening disease and can spread hope this season and throughout the year. The minimum suggested contribution is $25. To order Cards for Hope, call 877-302-4673 (toll free).
ABOUT CITY OF HOPE For more information about how you can support City of Hope's lifesaving research and treatment programs, please call 1-800-260-HOPE, or visit the Web site at http://www.cityofhope.org . City of Hope -- Where the Power of Knowledge Saves Lives(TM)