as seen by Amy Thompson ("Juliet")
It really should have been called Stevie Nicks and friends rather
than Don Henley and friends. :-) Sure...Roger McQuinn, Bruce
Hornsby, Don Henley all got a lot of applause..but Stevie sure
got the most!! Don Henley introduced Stevie saying "a woman who
has survived the 70's; and survived the 80's." The crowd went
wild when beautiful Stevie walked out. She was in a long, black,
velvet dress; wearing a very sparkly diamond bracelet and ring
(which I'm sure were real). The bracelet was HUGE! I couldn't
see her shoes (not even with binoculars) because her dress was
covering them. (But at the end..she had another shorter black
dress on, and she was wearing black platform tennis-like
shoes..very cute). Her hair was long and straight. She really
looked GREAT!! She began with "Dreams," then said a couple
words...(I couldn't hear the words though because there was a lot
of applause). Sharon Celani, Lori Perry-Nicks and Timothy B.
Schmidt (from the Eagles) were her back up singers. Next, Stevie
sang "Landslide." It was absolutely beautiful! Her voice
sounded perfect in this song. During "Landslide," Stevie sang
"But time makes you bolder, even children get older, And I'm
getting "very much older" too" The crowd cheered for her! She
smiled. Then, Stevie invited Don Henley onstage to sing "Leather
and Lace." How cool is that! During the part that Stevie sang "I
have my own life...and I am stronger than you know.." Don was
behind her nodding his head. Both Don and Stevie sounded really
good during the song. At the end of the song when Stevie was
singing "Take from lace. Take from lace..." she
gave Don her lace, and he put it on his head. Lastly, Stevie
sang the classic slow, fast "Rhiannon." Stevie danced around a
lot and did a great "tambourining" during the instrumental part
of "Rhiannon." She really seemed to be enjoying herself. That
was it for Stevie's songs! At one point during Stevie's show,
some guy yelled out "I love you, Stevie." Stevie heard him, and
the crowd cheered and laughed! It was a really great audience!
Stevie came out one more time to sing a song with Roger McQuinn,
Don Henley, and the others. She played tambourine, too. After
the show, we went around back, but we didn't get to see Stevie.
We even waited around for a couple of hours. Oh well..maybe next
as seen by Debbi Radford
I attended both shows. For the first show, I was dead
center stage, fourth row. Roger McGuinn and Bruce Hornsby
opened the show with MR. TAMBOURINE MAN and TURN, TURN,
TURN. Bruce played the piano for an excellent version of
VALLEY ROAD. To be sitting so close and watch his fingers
fly and his feet bouncing up and down was quite inspiring.
He was acting just like the audience was an old friend; he
seemed very down to earth. Don Henley came on stage and
sang a series of his songs including THE END OF THE
Schmidt joined him on stage for almost exact CD sounding
ALIVE. Security Guards allowed a man to hold up a little
girl who handed Timothy a flower. I was used to seeing
Timothy the way he looked prior to the HELL FREEZES OVER
TOUR; long, full, straight dark brown/black hair. At the
concert, his hair appeared to be a shade of beige/light
brown, quite thin and permed. I was fairly surprised since
this new look seemed to age him quite a bit. Vocally, he
was in fine shape.
There was lots of photo taking going on at the afternoon
show; Security Guards at the evening performance were not as
lax. For this show, I had a limited view of the stage. I
was in the first row; but the section was over to the far
right; making it impossible for me to see half the stage;
including any back up singers. Photos from this angle would
have been worthless anyway. I was delighted I attended this
show in that the audience was much more participative in the
program! What a difference! And the interplay between
Stevie and Henley during LEATHER AND LACE was priceless!
She draped him with some long black chiffon hanging from her
arm as she was singing "take from me my lace" and he,
looking somewhat surprised, mimicked chewing on it. That
would have been a great photo! It was obvious they were
enjoying being with each other. Other differences in the
evening performance occurred: *When Henley followed Stevie
with THE HEART OF THE MATTER he stated that it took him 42
years to write the song much like he did in the video of the
IS DANCE and that's all the evening crowd wanted to do!
People started dancing in the aisles and moving toward the
stage and Security basically allowed it. Before you knew
it, we were all out of our seats and at the stage floor (and
I don't even know how to dance). Henley then put out
excellent versions of HOTEL CALIFORNIA, LIFE IN THE FAST
LANE and DESPERADO. The afternoon crowd was much more
sedate, but not as much fun! *Stevie took flowers, a long,
paper scroll and a white tambourine which fans put on the
stage. *Women who were consuming alcohol, soda pop and water
were in for a unappreciated surprise at the evening
performance. All of the women's toilets were backed up
according to Security, leaving two solitary handicapped
toilets for the women. Women were barred from using the
mens room and a nasty fight ensued. I was planning an
escape route from the auditorium just in case a riot took
place (which it did not).
At both performances, Stevie got more applause than the
other performers. Radio reviews the next day were calling
it "The Stevie Nicks Show". Even the Arizona Republic
newspaper, known for its caustic Stevie reviews, described
her performance as "her too-short time on stage". And truer
words were never printed! Stevie is definitely back; back
in a big way! Rock on...
Stevie Proves She is the ONLY Queen of Rock
Stevie Nicks performed at a charity concert, March 9th, at
Phoenix Union
High School. Stevie's music has always taken my breath away, but
now that I've seen her in concert, I am in true awe of her.
Don't get me wrong; everybody put on a fantastic concert, but
judging from my response and the fellow audience's response,
Stevie Nicks was the main reason why everybody was there.
Let me first say that she looks amazing. She wore all black,
and Sharon and
Lori did the same. It gave me shivers to think that "it was like
the old times". She gets onstage, and everybody just went nuts!!
Mostly everyone gave her a standing ovation, and I noticed, it
was the biggest ovation as far as any of the other ones from
previous acts.
Stevie opened w/"Dreams", and again, everyone went crazy! Her
voice was in
fine tune, and she seemed really into the performance. She
finished the song, and I can't remember how many times I heard
her name being screamed, catcalls, and general "I adore you"
comments being yelled out! I was so happy for her. She then
thanked everyone for coming, and stated how important the charity
was to her. She also said something like, "And we get to play
music, which we don't have the chance to do very often." She
then went to do "Landslide" which she dedicated to her mother who
was in the audience. She also said to us something like, "You
know the words..." I just can't convey how flabbergasted I was to
see this woman who I love so much doing these songs I've been
listening to for so long. She did a beautiful, soft rendition of
"Landslide", and sang things like, "I'm getting older too...very
much older too..." She then thanked everybody again for their
applause, and then said she was waiting for Don to do the next
song, which we all knew, was "Leather and Lace". It took him a
while to come out, and Stevie humorously kidded that "she's
always waiting for Don!" while she tapped her foot impatiently!
It was very funny, and the crowd went nuts again, but nothing
compared to the craziness of the audience recognizing the opening
chords of "Rhiannon".
I was in Heaven by this point! She did the slow piano version
of it first,
with the talk of "Rhiannon, please don't go...", and "Don't leave
At this point, you couldn't have talked to me because I was
concentrating on
Stevie so much. It was like reliving a famous, beautiful history
being there when she sang "Rhiannon". Then after the slow intro,
the famous rockin' version started, and the theater reverberated
with the thunderous claps to the music! She pulled no stops with
this song, and I was so touched by everything. The audience lost
it after "Rhiannon" finished, and she said "Thank you so much".
Then like Rhiannon, "a cat in the dark", Stevie became the
darkness as she left the stage. The crowd went ballistic, and
everyone gave her a standing ovation. Mr. Don Henley himself had
to tell us to sit down again.
So Stevie continues to reign as the Queen of Rock, and I
continue to be in
awe of her and her unbelievable music. "These are the moments
that I live for...."
Stevie Concert review for March 9, 1996 7:30 pm Show
A beautiful and warm Phoenix night was made even better at approximately 7:30
pm when Don Henley & Friends got underway right on time much to the
delight of the packed Union Hall. As described in earlier reviews, Don's
non-Stevie guests started the show off. The crowd was still not seated when
the magical evening began. Ushers were still seating fans well into the
second and third songs...Hornsby was excellent on piano and pleased the
croud with a few of his standards from several years ago. For a more
detailed review of the non-Stevie perfomers, see the above reviews.....onward
to Stevies performance!!!!!!!!
Stevie entered from Stage-right after being introduced by Don as being
one he had survived the 70's and 80's with. Stevie looked absolutely
gorgeous in a verrrrrry classy black velvet sheath-gown with a chiffon
under-dress. Stevie's hair was styled straight and went all the way
down to the small of her back. The large sparkling bracelet Stevie
wore on her right wrist captured the stagelighting with exsquisite
radiance, this was surely a diamond treasure!!!!!! (or the most expensive
cubic zirconions I've ever seen) HAD TO BE DIAMONDS from the was it exploded
with fire!
As earlier reported, the song set that Stevie performed was rather short,
However, FLYING DOWN FROM SEATTLE for the show was definitely worth
Stevie sang DREAMS, LANDSLIDE, RHIANNON & a duet with Don, LEATHER & LACE.
The old couple seemed to be having a great time on stage together.
Previous reviews were very correct in telling of the playfullness the two
shared on-stage.
The show ended with all of the performers onstage jamming together. I
forgot to mention that HENLEY'S performance with former EAGLE band mate
Timothy Schmidt was top-notch. The two guitar players that accompanied
the band all night were right on time, jamming very intensely. Life in
the Fast Lane and Hotel California were done very well. Henley did All
She Wants to do is Dance twice, both times getting the crowd into the
isles, the house was really rockin' !!!!
I enjoyed the night tremendously. To top it all off, after the show a
bunch of us tried to get autographs. Much to our dismay we missed Stevie
by moments, as they all left immediately after the show in white vans,
roaring down side streets presumably off to Stevie's house in Paradise
Valley, minutes away, north of downtown.
I was happily surprised, as others were as well , when the infamous
JOHN KINNEY announced himself to the rest of us waiting at the back
stage entrance. We all had a great time talking about how we were
staying 'till the stage door was locked by the roadies and security,
not giving up the hope that our WHITE WINGED DOVE would
appear, however she didn't, but we all got to know each other a little.
John, his friend Amy and I went out for breakfast at IHOP where we
pigged out and relaxed after a very intense evening. A great time
was had by all. STEVIE< if you read this one way or another,
P.S. Stevie's Stuff at her mother's antique shop in Payson was
really cool, you must check it out if you go to Phoenix.
from Clayre in Tucson<><><><><>
It has been a week since I went to Phoenix from Tucson for the
Henley, Nicks, Hornsby, McGuinn, & Schmit Benefit Concert. I still
cannot believe that I was there! I had 4th row seats at the evening
show. It was an incredible venue as it was a small place, so that
everyone on stage seemed real close. Don Henley, Bruce Hornsby, Roger
McGuinn, and Timothy Schmit were excellent---All the songs were
absolute classics, and they sounded great!!!! BUT, STEVIE stole the
show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She came out all aglow,and sang DREAMS
right off---It is such an AWESOME song, and you know that she loves
it!!!! Then, she did LANDSLIDE which was really touching........Next,
Stevie called Don to come out and do LEATHER & LACE...... Absolutely
Incredible---I bet that they have never been on a stage together to
sing that song since it was recorded on BellaDonna---It takes all of
us back......... And, then RHIANNON---Slow intro and then the fast,
hot, killer rocker that it is!!!!!!! STEVIE NICKS brought the house
down!!!!!!!!!!SHE IS THE QUEEN OF ROCK!!!!! For the encore songs, we
went right up to the stage!!!! I will NEVER again be that close to
Stevie!!!!! She is just a fabulous person!!!! I consider myself
VERY LUCKY to have had the opportunity to be there!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE
NEXT CONCERT WITH STEVIE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from Sandy Deane (with Windy and Sheldon)
I thought I was going to cry when I heard the first chords of Rhiannon.
Stevie sang "..And then she is your darkness.." instead of "and then she
is THE darkness.." She did not sing the "Oooh" parts of Leather and
Lace when Don Henley has his solos. She (in my opinion) took the grace
and stepped back a couple steps to let Don have the spotlight. Also in
Leather and Lace Stevie sang "...IT'S my city or mountain..." instead of
just "my city or mountain.." I thought that was cute. She was
absolutley beautiful and I will never forget that night as long as I
live. I (like Marvin) flew from Seattle to see Stevie. I really
enjoyed meeting John and Amy and Marv after the show. The Hard Rock
Cafe in Phoenix had a little
set up of one of Stevie's stage costumes and tambourine? A
local after the concert was telling us about it... but we never made it.
Also..a little note on the last song...we too ran up to the stage (well,
as close as we could get) and we saw Don bend the microphone down so
that Stevie could reach it. I can't wait for the next show! I want to
bring my kids..even though they're under the age of 6, they know alot of her
songs already. Their favorite this week is "Free Fallin'".
At this point, I was getting quite restless for Stevie.
Where was she; was she even there? Fortunately, a friend
had spotted her mother sitting about 5 rows behind and to
the right of us or else I would have been panicked! Barbara
Nicks was sitting with a heavy set, young man and some young
women whom none of us recognized. Stevie came on the stage
and was greeted with booming applause. Her hair was much as
it was when I saw her at A CHRISTMAS CAROL a few months ago,
straight, but it appeared much thicker. I certainly like
this new look for her.
She had on a very large, sparkling bracelet and a new black
She was beautiful; no doubt! The biggest surprise to me
about her set was the lack of STAND BACK. It seems as if
she never fails to include this classic when she is
performing. Frankly, I did not miss it. I had hoped for a
duet with Bruce Hornsby for a live TWO KINDS OF LOVE, but
did not expect it due to the lack of group rehearsal time.
I did expect LEATHER AND LACE and was not disappointed. She
began with DREAMS and went quickly into the unanticipated
and beautiful LANDSLIDE. The dedication to her mother was a
nice touch and obviously, heartfelt, because Stevie did not
dedicate the song to anyone in her evening performance.
"Even children get older, and I'm getting older too, yes,
very much older too" sang Stevie as the crowd seemed to
empathize with her sentiment here. She smiled quite
prettily at that moment. Stevie announced Don would be
joining her and was signaled from backstage that he was no
where around. Stevie told the audience it would "give us
time to talk" and gestured that she is always "waiting on
Henley". He came running on to the stage, embarrassed and
it was just a nice moment for everyone. They affectionately
sang LEATHER AND LACE. They embraced and talked intimately
while the audience cheered. Stevie's final solo song was
RHIANNON. She began it acoustically and was obviously into
the song. She started inserting this little phrase that
sounded like "she said" in places where there are normally
no words. This was fun for me, reminding me of the Stevie
of the old days. Stevie did this in the evening show as
well; although not quite as much. "And still she cries
out...don't leave me...don't leave me....don't leave me"
intoned Stevie at the end. Stevie teared up to the point of
wiping her tears away durng LANDSLIDE and RHIANNON. She
seemed as moved as the audience was by the intense emotion
of the songs. It was great! Her vocal clarity and quality
were exquisite! And, I didn't want her to leave me, but she
went off the stage at that point taking her back up singers,
Sharon Celani and Lori Perry-Nicks with her. Lori was in a
lot of shadowed light, so it was difficult to see her
clearly; Sharon seems to be getting thinner each time I see
her! Stevie joined the others for the finale, a version of
MY BACK PAGES, mostly using the tambourine and singing only
a line of the chorus each time it was sung.
by Melissa Loukas
by Marvin D. Stewart
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