If you use Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP, you can download these Stevie images for use as desktop wallpaper. These are best suited for computers with video capability of greater than 256 colors. The wallpaper should also work on a Mac computer (Mac OS 8.0 and later) which has the appearance control panel installed.
Select the image size below the photo that best fits your video resolution settings. When the image is displayed, right-click it and select "Set as wallpaper" (Netscape) or "Set as Background" (Internet Explorer and AOL).
![]() 1024x768 800x600 640x480
The 12 wallpaper images above were created by Matt Mercurio.
The wallpaper image above was created by Peter Taylor. The two wallpaper images below were created by Carol Davis.
The wallpaper images below were created by June M. Sylvester Wales.
The two wallpaper images below as created by Claudia Brady-Drake.
The wallpaper image below was created by Jenny Arzate.
The wallpaper image below was created by Juni Moon.