![]() Fan Reviews of the Wells Fargo Stevie Nicks and Friends Concert September 23rd, 2000 Julie Vickie Barb Muscutt Kevin Rhonda Salazar Scott Caldwell Elena Shayne Annan Zachary Wade Mike Sarzo Curtis Bill & Joanne Hansen Gavin Michelle Aaron Allen Debi Jane Anderson Deanna Garcia Lisa Ryan Cowan
Jan & Christie Anthony S. Kathy Renee Blackcat Kevin Barbara Eberly Joshua Missy Pinto Patrick Dennis Anna & Phil Rick Roadspider Sandstress Daniel Demello Tracy Stacey Britt Yvonne James Jimjam Debi & Joe Patrick Cheryl Robin & Laura Angela Belle ![]() Stevie performed a benefit concert on September 24, 2000 to benefit the Arizona Heart Institute. The benefit included performances by Sheryl Crow, Chris Isaak, Don Henley and Lindsey Buckingham. Here are reviews of the fans who attended the show.
from Julie, New York It still seems like a dream. I have been traveling for the past two days straight and I am exhausted....but I am still on cloud nine. The hardest task for me right now is trying to put into words the amazing and mind blowing experience I had traveling almost three thousand miles to Arizona to see the Enchanting Stevie Nicks in concert this past weekend.....but here goes. I have to say that I just had the best weekend of my entire life! My friends and I flew out of New York on Thursday to Phoenix........ and that is when the adventure began. Arizona is beautiful...I had never been there. We arrived and started counting down the hours 'till the show on Saturday. We met so many Stevie fans the first two days were were there.......STEVIE FANS are the best!!!!! When the day of the concert arrived I could hardly wait. I had butterflies waiting to be let in. My friends and I were in the second section and took our seats about 8 rows back....very close to the stage. ;-) Suddenly the lights dimmed and the screams began. Stevie's father came out to introduce her, it was so sweet! Then out of the shadows Stevie appeared as the music blared up. She kicked into "Outside the rain" and me and my friends were standing and cheering. She looked amazing!!!! She just radiated this light from the stage and was so energetic. After that she went right into "Dreams". We were so blown away by the amout of energy and excitment she had. I have never seen her that happy and so playful! She was wearing black sneakers with her dress, it was the cutest thing!!! She joked with us and talked so much, it was like an intimate party between 20,000 people. It was incredible! She then sang "Enchanted" and "Gold Dust Woman". She twirled and danced around. The first guest she introduced was Sheryl Crow. She rocked out with Stevie on "Every Day is a Winding Road". And then performed "My Favorite Mistake" solo, and then "The Difficult Kind" with Stevie. They have great chemistry together, they are like best friends on stage having a blast, and the energy and playfullness just carries out to eveyone in the audience. Stevie was in such great spirits, I can't mention that enough. The whole show was like a celebration. After the Sheryl set, the drums started up and that can only mean one thing.....the audience went nuts and the music started up for "Stand Back". I swear this song has a life of it's own. Everyone was up on their feet and dancing. Steive appeared in a red shawl, very beautiful and started singing and dancing, and we did the same along with her. She sounded perfect. After that song, she went into "Leather and Lace" alone on stage. We knew Don Henley was going to be there so we kept looking to see when he would come out, and sure enough, on his part, he appeared and started the harmony with her. I was in tears by this point, I never thought I would ever get to see them do that duet live, it was a great moment for me, and the other fans in the audience. Then Don performed one of my favorite songs of his, "Boys of Summer", in a slow ballad version that made it even more special. It was then time for the story of a Welsh Witch. The piano started up for the Rhiannon intro and Stevie came out in black and started singing, this got many screams from the crowd, including us. She sounded great and even added that part at the end "Won't you take me with you to the sky-ky dreamer, try hard, you can't leave her!!!"....very full of emotion and very powerful. It was then time for her third guest, Chris Issac, who came out in a bright red suit with sequins. He was hysterical. Stevie laughed and joked with him begging him not to tell the audience any of her jokes.....it was so funny!!!! Stevie was laughing and screaming, it was great!!!! Then her and Chris kicked into "It's Late"....we were so surprised!!! There is another song I never thought I would see her perform!! Chris and Stevie sounded great. Chris also sang "Solitary Man" and then kicked into "Feel Like Crying".....after he joked around with the audience asking all the women to scream who were "looking for love" and "felt frisky". That man is such a performer, he was soooo funny. The ultimate showman, and then he kicked into the song and was incredible. I was already blown away by everyone and everything, but the best was yet to come.......never in my wildest dreams could I imagine what would be done next. The next peformer was Lindsey Buckingham, who Stevie introduced "from the bottom of my heart". He walked out on stage to screams and cheers, (the loudest coming from my section) and walked over to Stevie. She greeted him as he went into a speech. He asked her to stand near him and she went behind him and put her arms around him and started weeping, as he talked about how long they have known each other, how much they have been through together and then he dedicated the next two songs to her. He performed "Big Love" and "Go Insane"!!!!!!!!!! I was going nuts! My biggest regret was always having missed The Dance Tour, I wasn't able to get to the shows, so I never thought I would get to hear him do these songs. He is such a gifted guitarist and performer, I was so happy to hear him perform these songs, it was amazing. Then Stevie joined him for Landslide......again something I never thought I would see done live. It was perfect. Following that, as if it wasn't enough, Lindsey stayed on stage and they did an acoustic version of "Gypsy"!!!!! That is my favorite Stevie song and I had been hoping all weekend that she would perform it, I never thought she would do it with Lindsey!!!!!!!!!!! It was so different, simple and beautiful, it gave me chills!! I love the Lindsey harmony at the end on "Lightening strikes, maybe once, maybe twice." After that moving set, the lights went wild and Waddy Watchel kicked into the chords of "Edge of Seventeen" with the boldness and sound of thunder......it was wild!!!!!!!! The sound filled the arena and Stevie came out in her white shawl and sang the song with all the power she had. At the end she did the loud scream with the guitar behind her and I got chills. She then did Tom Petty's "I Need To Know" and closed the encore with the always moving "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You", wearing a beautiful sparkling white long shawl. It was perfect. Everyone took a bow at the end and she thanked everyone for coming, and supporting the Heart Institute. She said it meant a lot to her......it meant a lot of all the fans too!!!!! After the concert, there were shuttles to take the people who bought sponsorship packages to the after party across the street in the Wells Fargo Bank. Being New Yorkers, my friends and I couldn't fathom why anyone would take a shuttle across the street, and so we just walked there. (New Yorkers walk everywhere ;-) When we got there, we checked in, got our gifts, and then were free to roam around the wonderful displays of food and wine. There seemed to be mountains of different cheeses, fruits and crackers and breads on the tables. Very good! The wine was also delicious, but the BEST PART was meeting and talking to all the Stevie fans. Being online, I talk and write to so many fellow fans and it is wonderful to get to meet them and talk to them in person. Again, Stevie fans are the best, and nicest anywhere! After a short while, Stevie, Lindsey, Chris, Sheryl and the others came out to the cheers of everyone there. The stood behind the podium and there was press everywhere in front of them. I was able to get on a chair and wave, and take pictures. It was so great to get to close and hear Stevie talk about this, you could tell it meant so much to her. I got great pics, I was about 5 feet away. Again, it was like an intimate party, except we didn't get to talk to them, but it didn't matter.....we had the time of our lives! I can't stress that enough......IT WAS A DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never forget this.....this was honestly the best concert I have ever been to in my entire life. It was well worth the long trip and then some!!!!!!!!!!! I would go to Siberia to see that show again! from Vickie Hi everybody. I just got home from the concert and thought I'd let you all know what songs she did. She came out about 8:20 or 8:25 wearing her trademark black dress and here's a switch, black hi top Reeboks. Platform of course.
Songs: Lindsey was sporting a wedding ring on the left hand too. Of course her Dad introduced her. She said her Mom & Dad were there (of course), but she also mentioned her Aunt was also there. Her Aunt also lives in Paradise Valley. Very good concert, but then does Stevie ever give a bad performace. NOPE!! There was no t-shirts or programs being sold which I thought was a little strange. They could have made even more money. They were giving out roses at the door and they also had buckets of them everywhere around the arena of all different colors. They also gave out little flashlight keychains at the door that said: Wells Fargo Stevie Nicks & Friends Benefit Concert September 23, 2000. I have all my roses in a vase. I got one of each. It was GREAT!!!!!!!!! I'm sure somebody will go more into detail about the concert. Just wanted to get this out to you all. from Barb Muscutt, Marina, California I just got back home to Northern California after attending the Stevie Nicks & Friends Concert last night in Phoenix. Three of us flew in from Monterey. CA, Reno, NV and Dallas, TX respectively. All I can say about the concert is WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!! It was just a totally awesome night! My only complaint is that it ended too soon! I could have stayed there all night and listened to Stevie and Friends!! Sheryl Crow, Don Henley, Lindsey Buckingham and Chris Isaak all had the place rocking!!! Stevie, what can I say about Stevie . . . she was, as usual, FANTASTIC!!!! What a concert . . . what a night!!!! I'd make the trip again tomorrow!! from Kevin Stevie certainly knows how to "Enchant" her audience. The evening started with every fan receiving a rose at the door. Stevie started with 'Outside the Rain' and then went right into 'Dreams'. She looked great, sounded fantastic, and was having such a good time on stage with all her friends. Sheryl Crow, Chris Isaak, Don Henley, and Lindsey Buckingham all were fabulous and harmonized so well with Stevie. Stevie did a lot of talking between songs and was joking around with all her Friends. She was certainly truly happy to be on the stage performing for such a good cause. This was my third time to see her and as before, she was spectacular. 'Edge of Seventeen' rocked the house and had a sassy 'Edge' to it. Towards the end of the song Stevie was shaking hands with all the fans at the front of the stage and she had such a big smile on her face the entire time. She was enjoying every minute of it, as were the fans who were able to touch her and shake her hand. She ended the evening with a haunting version of 'Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You?' The crowd was singing along with her and this was defiantly a night to remember. All your fans love you Stevie!!!!!!! Thanks for putting on such a great show. from Rhonda Salazar (SSCalypso@aol.com) September 23rd at The America West Arena I went to the Stevie Nicks and Friends Arizona Heart Institute Benefit. She opened her set with Outside the Rain, her mike covered in ribbons galore and she was in twinkling black and looked ever the enchanting songstress.Waddy Wachtel was on lead guitar! Just a bit later she donned her gold shawl to sing Gold Dust Woman and as always it was well received and incredible to witness. She was soon joined by Sheryl Crow and let me tell you, Sheryl was there to kick some a**-her voice is a sound to be reckoned with and it was so apparent that she was there to have some fun. She and Stevie sang "You're my Favorite Mistake." They sang "The Difficult Kind" and their rendition of Sheryl's song was poetic justice-a great song sung by two extraordinary voices. Stevie let Sheryl have the stage to herself and then returned. When Stevie started singing "Leather and Lace" Don Henley wasn't on stage but when it came time to sing his part he was there. Stevie stood behind him with her hands on his back and it was touching....good friends after all. Don sang "Boys of Summer" differently than I had ever heard it sung and it was splendid! Don exited the stage shortly after and told the Phoenix crowd that he'd be back in 3 weeks! Stevie eventually introduced Chris Isaak and he came on stage wearing an outfit Elvis would have been proud of - red suit with glitter galore. I was not a Chris Isaak fan but with this concert I was impressed with his musical ability and his delightful sense of humor. I would probably see him in concert now. He and Stevie sang "It's Late," a song she sang as a little girl with her grandfather. They also sang "Solitary Man," after talking about how they sang it together many years ago at The Tic Tac Club in Fresno. Stevie left the stage and he went into "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" (from the Eyes Wide Shut soundtrack). It was erotic and very interesting to watch performed. Sheryl Crow came on stage and crawled slowly up to him, like a cat, and sang a smidgen of the song with him. Like I said before, Sheryl was there to have some fun! Stevie sang some more and then finally was joined by her soulmate onstage-Lindsey Buckingham. Lindsey spoke before performing and there was a cryptic message in his speech that I would love to know the real meaning! He sang 2 songs, after dedicating them to Stevie, "Big Love," and "Go Insane." Lindsey is a guitarist/artist/singer extraordinaire! He and Stevie sang "Landslide" and it was exhilarating to watch and hear. Then much to my wonder and pleasure, Stevie said that Lindsey had proposed they sing the next song together, I had tears in my eyes as they sang a beautiful acoustic version of "GYPSY." It was my favorite moment in the entire concert. Tears literally were streaming down my cheeks, there are no words to describe the moment. Near the end of the concert Stevie sang a kick a**, rockin' version of "Edge of Seventeen." The girl can rock and roll! Earlier in the concert lady Stevie did sing Rhiannon after a beautiful, haunting piano intro. Mindy and Sharon did their usual supreme, fantastic job of back up or "up front" singing as Stevie put it. The whole band is so in sync with the music and interpretation of it. Seeing Waddy onstage was delightful! The audience sang Happy Birthday to the keyboard player! I have seen Stevie many, many times and she makes sure that each concert has a different interpretation and style and it is pure magic to witness. She closed the show with "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You?" and of course talked about the men in her life being poets, priests of nothing and legends. The band and Lindsey, Don, Sheryl, and Chris joined her onstage for bows. from Scott Caldwell This was one of the most enjoyable concert I've ever seen. Great music, great artists, and a great pace. From Waddy's screaming guitar and the strobing spotlights during Edge of Seventeen to the soothing "unplugged" versions of Gypsy and Boys of Summer, each song was captivating. Stevie herself played the gracious hostess while Sheryl Crow, Don Henley, Chris Isaac, and Lindsey Buckingham added a variety of styles that played well off one another. Seeing Leather and Lace live with Don Henley was a special treat. Another highlight was Sheryl Crow crawling across the stage during Chris Isaac's Baby did a Bad Bad Thing. Definitely a fun evening with Stevie and her "Friends". Even in a sold out America West Arena, it felt as if I was in my living room with old dear friends. from Elena, Tucson AZ WOW! Her dad introduced her and she came out and did Outside the Rain and Dreams. She came out and began singing in the wrong mic. She tried to adjust her sound and then realized after the band mates pointed it out that she was at the wrong one. Very beautiful, the surprise was that Waddy Watchel was there. Then she did Enchanted. Then Gold Dust Woman, her scream was very nice, and she went on a little more than usual at the end. Then came Sheryl Crow. First they did Every Day is a Winding Road, Stevie looked cute singing back up vocals. Then Stevie left for My Favorite Mistake. She came back for a song I didnt know, I think Sheryl's newest one, they did very beautiful harmonies! Sheryl called us the best fans in the world. Then was Standback. She wore a red cape. There was an awesome high kick and at the end she kept saying 'time of your life'. It was realy cool. Then came Don Henley. They did Leather and Lace. Don messed up at the end. Stevie shook her finger at him so he would stop singing. Then she left and and he did Boys of Summer. Then came Rhiannon. She was wearing the black chiffon that she wore on the Rumours album. She got a little crazy during the song. Every time the girls sang Rhiannon, Stevie would sing ooo she said. It made for some cool effects. Then came Chris Issak wearing a red jumpsuit. He told a story about Stevie and him in the 70's, she was Happy and he was Dale and they used to sing at the Tic Tac Club. She was laughing pretty hard. They did Its Late and then Solitary Man by Neil Diamond. She left and told him not to go on for a half hour at which point he told the audience that she had told him to clean up his act, he did Bad Bad Thing. Sheryl came out and sang harmonies and at one point was on her hands and knees. Then out came Lindsey. They had a beautiful hug and then she stood behind him holding him while he talked. He talked about always returning to Phoenix and then dedicated his two songs to her. Big Love and Go insane. He recited poetry before Go Insane. Then Stevie came back out and they did Landslide, dedicated to their families. And then...an acoustic Gypsy. Three of them on guitar and Stevie singing. It was so beautiful and emotional! Then she did Edge of 17. It was soo loud and she rocked so much. She really just let loose. During 'the scream' they backlit her, and she held it for a long time. The best version of this song I have ever heard!! Then I Need to Know, well take you violet and blue mornings with you! And of course Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You. Always makes me cry. She of course looked like an angel. She was in such good form. She talked a lot, had us sing happy birthday to her keyboardist, she did more adlibbing then she has done in a while, a lot of screaming, she looked like she was having the time of her life. If this is an indication of what her tours are going to be like, then run out and buy tickets now!!! from Shayne Annan, Moon Sister "The heart is my second favorite organ." :-o Well Chris Issac had a slightly bit naughty (but enjoyable) way of putting it but last night was an issue of the heart. Physically and emotionally. All for the Arizona Heart Institute. Now I have NO idea where to begin on this one but I will try and keep it as straight as possible but its a safe bet that thats gonna be a BIG longshot. LOL Anyway what can I say?? WOO WHOO!! Now I'll just try to fill you on some of the most magical highlights. All that make a fabulous Stevie Nicks concert for myself and I'm sure many other fans as well. Well it all got started with Stevie's dear daddy coming out and introducing her to all the wall to wall fans eagerly awaiting the gypsy herself to apperance onstage. The band starts up "Outside The Rain," Stevie walks out with her always glittery black ciffon dress that she wears to many of her concerts. The only difference is that instead of the usual 5 inch heel she has on a pair of flat funky platform boots. Very cool change I thought. She can wear a potato sack and still look OUT OF THIS WORLD and she did last night! She looked fantastic and her voice was in excellent shape. I tell you she IS like the finest of wine. She just keeps getting better with age! Absolutly stunning. Ok on with the show! Stevie got the crowd all warmed up with a few of her tunes like "Outside the Rain," "Dreams," "Enchanted," "Gold Dust Woman (with the golden shawl, twirls, primal Stevie scream, and all.)" Then it was time for Miss Sheryl Crow to jump up on stage and get things pumping (Not that its already pumped up enough ) She came out wearing black velet (in honor of Stevie I'm sure ) hip hugging pants and black top. They had everyone dancing to "Everyday is a Winding Road." It was great watching them have a blast with this one. Especially with Stevie adding her unique vocals to Sheryl's songs. Then Sheryl alone performed "My Favorite Mistake" which was awesome. After that Stevie came back and they performed the most IN-FREAKIN-CREDIBLE version of Sheryl's "The Difficult Kind." That wasn't always my most favorite Sheryl tune but after hearing their version last night it is now. It was one of those moments where the crowd was in awe. Those two had such beautiful harmonies together. The notes they hit together was just total heaven!! It gave the song a whole new kind of freshness. Wow, wow, and WOW! Now it's time for a few more Stevie tunes! The intro kicked in for the traditional and still one of my favs "Stand back." No black and gold shawl this time but she did wear her red one. Then I think she started to performe "Leather and Lace" where of course Don Henley came out to the roaring crowd to sing his part of the sweet duet. This was a great one to see and hear again since the last time they performed it here a couple years back. Of course this time I had a much better seat and they didn't look like little dots! LOL Don sang his part and Stevie most adoringly stood behind him. Very cute. ;) After that Don did a mellower version of "Boys of Summer" which the crowd sang along too. Everyone would have loved to hear a few more solo tunes but then that was that for Mr Henley. Stevie thanked him, he said "See you in three weeks" and he was off. It was a small appearance but a memorible one. Ok now I'm not sure if this is when Stevie performed Rhiannon or not. You would think this darn Ginkoba work a little faster for me! UGH! Well I think was either before or after Chris Issac walked out on stage. NO wait! Ok I think this is when she introduced us to her band. There were a couple new faces and some very familar faces to us Stevie fans. That night it was the Brett's (the Keyboard player) birthday. So Stevie got the whole crowd to sing Happy Birthday to him. Ya happy "25th" Brad! When she introduced her bass player Don she had a tiny story to tell It was about how she was in a club and she was crossing the stage or something. She tripped but low and behold he caught her right in time. All I can say is GOD BLESS THAT MAN!! Anyway now onto to most colorful guest of the night. From were I was sitting I could see the all the guest stars waiting from the side of the stage. Chris Issac stood out very nicely in his red hot 50's style suit with blue and green rhinestone flowers going up and down the side. He came out and he and Stevie sang "Its Late" in honor of her grandpa. It was a really nice surprise to hear a song like that thats never performed too often. I sure do hope those two record that song together sometime in our lifetime!! It would be a shame if they didn't. They sang another song together but yet again the Ginkoba is blocking the title from my head. But I do remember Chris making up this cute story about how he and Stevie sang this song back in 73. Yeah Right! "She wasn't known as Stevie just yet. She was known as Happy! And I was known as Gail (I think thats what he said) but thats a long story." Anyway Stevie and Chris wear being so playful and flirty with each other. Stevie kept taking the chiffon from her sleeves and covering it over her face and teasing him. Stevie was also telling him off about not telling some of those dirty jokes and stories. " THIS IS MY SHOW AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! Hey you go girl. and of course whatever Stevie says GOES. ;) But Chris did slip in a few colorful comments here and there. He said Stevie told him to cool down the filth cuz her mom and dad were there. "But I'll slip in a little filth for the people in cheap seats tonight!" And that he did. At least during most of "Baby Did A Bad Bad thing." In the middle of the song he did this whole little speech about the people in the front row. Something about them going home to their trailer homes and waterbeds and something abouting grilling the skillet which he said he had no idea about but it was pretty nasty. Uhhh Chris I thing baby is telling a big big lie with that one! ;) But pure Chris Issac through and through! Then to my surprise Sheryl Crow popped back up onstage and started singing along a tiny bit and dancing kind of sexy in the background. One of my favorite Sheryl moments is when she stood back to let Chris is the rest of song but then got on her hands and knees and start crawling her way up to him. YOOWSA!!! Before the song end those two hit one hell of a high note together. I know becuase my ears are still ringing from it! After that Sheryl started to make her exit again and I thought I saw her pinch Waddy Wachtel's butt. :-o Chris can bring the beast out of anyone I guess. He sure did with the crowd. He sure did with me! Definitly a few more fans for Chris. Now for the creme de la creme of Stevie songs. Rhiannon. Theres not much I can say cuz I am out into orbit when Stevie performs this one. Just like a dream. One of my favorite moments is when she was under a single spotlight and she was just twirling and twirling and twirling. A classic Stevie moment. Then came the moment and the man many people wanted to see. The (in my opinion) all time and uncredited great guitar genius Mr. Lindsey Buckingham. It was extremly cool to see this guy again since the Mac reuion tour. I guess it was also cool to see him in the same outfit that he wore tour too! Black jacket, pants, and untucked button down shirt. Always giving Johnny Cash a run for his money! Anyway he came out and greeted Stevie very sweetly and doing something that is always very Lindsey.......give a speech with big earthy words! Heehee Well it was a very sweet speech. He was talking about (with Stevie hugging him from behind) how important and a special place Arizona was to him and too Stevie. When he was a kid his family would take vactions here and later on he and Stevie would visit her parents often. Then he ended the speech with how wonderful to see both of them back in Arizona today and that the next two songs were dedicated to Stevie. She was moved to tears with this one. They embraced and he kissed her on the hand as she walked off stage and wipping the tears from her eyes. Awwwwwwwwwww! I can't tell you enough how great it is to see these two as good friends again. I don't care what anyone says a bond like that is unbreakable. Anyway Lindsey proceeded to perform his two INCREDIBLE acoustic solo numbers. I tell you when you hear Lindsey perform his "plugged" songs acousticly it is up there as one of the most spiritual (next to Stevie of course) experances. For me it is anyway. When he was finished up with that Stevie returned for their (I know its Stevie's song but it always feels like a Buckingham/Nicks thing for me) signature song (and a song I am FOREVER learning how to play on guitar) "Landslide" She dedicated this song to her mommy, daddy, her Aunt, and Lindsey's brother. Again back in that dream like state of mind. Just can't describe it except to say its one of the most moving songs in Rock and Roll. Then came a big surprise for the night. I though that was it for Lindsey but NO! He grabs another guitar and Carlos and Waddy (I have to say to pretty cool to see him perform with Stevie again) joins them up on stage. All of them together did a fabulous three guitar acoustic version of "Gypsy." Just watching all those guys go at it with their guitars all at the same time and all in one line was absolutly AMAZING. Imagine that was like three "generations" of guitarists that Stevie has had the honor of playing with in the past 30 years. And them having the honor of working with Stevie ;) I have to say that was my favorite FAVORITE moment of the whole show. Again wow, wow, and WOW. I didn't want it to end but unfortunaly all good things have to end. But the show didn't end just yet! Stevie a few more Signature Stevie to get into our systems. Of course one of the major closing songs of night which no Stevie show can be without...... Edge of Seventeen. Everyone was on their feet, clapping, singing, throwing their arms in the air to this classic. Unfortunatly because of where I was sitting I wasn't be able to get to the front of the stage. I figured that anyway. It's not meant to be I guess. :( Oh well what can ya do. She still touched me. :) That song had everyone up for the remaining of the show which included two more classics such as Tom Petty's "I Need To Know." Stevie in coat tails and all! Now for the very last song of the show and of the night. "Has Anyone Every Written Anything For You." A song very very special to me as for others I'm sure. Mainly its special to me because it reminds me of a day that a good friend passed away a few years and that was the first song I listened to that dark day. While listening to Stevie sing that song and thinking of that day I just couldn't help but start crying. What also made this moment special was this young lady sitting next to me and who I got to know during the night. She saw me crying and simple took my hand and held it tightly. That right there, to me, sums up why I think Stevie Nicks fans are the GREATEST fans on God's green earth. Sometimes without really knowing one another very well they all know exactly what your feeling. No matter how different we are we have this common ground that is Stevie Nicks and her everlasting music. LIVE ON AND ROCK ON FOREVER MY SISTERS (and brothers) OF THE MOON!! Then it was offical. The show was ending. Stevie and her friends (Sheryl Crow also wipping tears away) all came out together and took their bows. The end. :( So I guess I should start to end it here. I know this was a long a dragged on review but this is the best way Shayne Annan can tell you how she was feeling that night. Total inspiration and rebirth. As I always bring up no matter how stressed my life gets its always wonderful that someone can give you 2 or 3 hours of pure bliss and that stress is just a figment of my imagination. Thank you Sheryl Crow. Thank you Don Henley. Thank you Chris Issac. Thank you Lindsey Buckingham. Last but certianly not least, with all my heart, Thank you Miss Stevie Lynn Nicks. You gave me the most amazing night of my life and you did it all for an excellent cause. Your big heart is now going to be a part of others that seek help from the Arizona Heart Institute. "I want you to remember me" you say? Stevie how on EARTH can you expect us to EVER forget you!?!??!?! We love you always and foever. :) from Zachary, Sacramento, CA HEY FRIENDS........JUST GOT BACK HOME. THE SHOW WAS "OUT OF CONTROL"...I HAVE SEEN STEVIE NINE TIME NOW AND HAVE TO SAY THAT THIS WAS THE MOST I HAVE EVER SEEN HER SMILE...STEVIE AND HER "FRIENDS" WERE INCREDIBLE....I JUST WISH THE SHOW COULD HAVE RAN A LITTLE LONGER...I DO NOT 'FLY'...SO WHEN A FRIEND SAID SHE HAD TICKETS TO STEVIE...I SAID ...FOR HER AND THE HEART INSTITUTE..."I AM THERE"...STEVIE ,THANK YOU FOR YOUR "TIME & SPACE"..CANT WAIT FOR THE NEW ALBUM...I WILL SEE YA IN CALIFORNIA. from Wade, Tucson AZ Just got home from the concert, Stevie rocked as always. I actually think this show was the best i have ever seen. Her performance when she did Stand Back was incredible. She looked and sounded better than ever. When they did the acoustic version of Gypsy, i was totally blown by the suprise. All the guest were great especially Lindsay Buckingham. Big Love is a acoustic materpiece. I took my cousin who said that it was the best concert he has ever seen. Stevie, thanks again for a great night and we shall see you on the Trouble In Shang-ri-la tour !!!!!!!! from Mike Sarzo PHOENIX Sept. 23 - After being a guest for many "Friends" concerts in her storied career in rock, Stevie Nicks finally played host to a "Friends" concert of her own Saturday night at the America West Arena. The concert benefitted the Arizona Heart Institute and was called the Wells Fargo Stevie Nicks and Friends concert. Sheryl Crow, who hosted Nicks at the Sheryl Crow and Friends concert in Central Park, New York in September 1999, sang three of her songs, as Nicks sang backup on "Everyday is a Winding Road" and "The Difficult Kind" and left the stage for Crow to have the spotlight on "My Favorite Mistake." Nicks' departure to allow Crow to have the spotlight to herself was one feature of the show, and it gave the performance more of a sense of a collaboration rather than people sharing the stage with Nicks. Nicks also sang lead on only three songs while one of the guests was on stage, dueting with Don Henley on the 1981 classic "Leather and Lace," and having former lover and longtime Fleetwood Mac bandmate Lindsey Buckingham play guitar for "Landslide." However, the third Nicks song was the highlight of the show, even surpassing Nicks' defiant "Stand Back." Buckingham was joined on stage by Nicks' lead guitarist Waddy Wachtel and rhythm guitarist Carlos Rios as Nicks surprised many in the crowd with an accoustic version of "Gypsy." Another highlight of the show was recent addition Chris Isaak, who joked with the crowd - and Nicks - during his three songs. He teamed with Nicks on "It's Late," which appeared on Nicks' boxed set Enchanted and on "Solitary Man," then Nicks left the stage for Isaak to sing "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing," during which Crow added backing vocals and crawled up behind Isaak while he was playing with the crowd. Even though having guests on the show provided many of the highlights, Nicks also shone when she had the stage to herself, particularly when she held long notes during her second encore, "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You," her screams during "Edge of Seventeen" and her high leg kick toward the end of "Stand Back." Even though Nicks celebrated her 52nd birthday May 26, she showed a lot of energy, adding fast twirls during the musical bridge in "Rhiannon." Many Nicks fanatics, many of whom wore Nicks styled dresses and shawls, called the show "awesome" and on a once-in-a-lifetime night in the desert, I'd have to agree. from Curtis, Fountain Valley, CA There's not much to say about this concert but simply amazing. This was my first Stevie Nicks concert and I was totally amazed. Not only did I think Stevie did a wonderful performance, I think Don, Sheryl, Chris, and Lindsey (especially his little speech about being there before he started) were great also. There isn't one part of the concert that I can say was my favorite. It was ALL my favorite. from Bill & Joanne Hansen (fans for 25 years!) Saturday night was wonderful! There was so much emotion flowing through the entire show! We flew in from San Diego and enjoyed a 3 day weekend in Phoenix. We were sure each "friend" would perform a 30 minute mini-show, the there would be a 20 minute break between acts. But when Stevie came out and started singing...it launched a very memorable evening! Stevie spent most of the time on stage, singing her songs, helping on others....the show just kept rolling...All those duets! ....why did it have to end???!!! The show was so well presented! And of course Stevie and Lindsey sharing those emotional moments with the fans! Just remembering all the wonderful shows over the years, never being let down, Stevie just keeps bringing and giving more! And her new album is finished!! And maybe a new tour with great new music! It will be a good year for us fans! See you in San Diego Stevie!! from Gavin, Edwardsville, IL After playing around with the notion for several months, I broke down on the Friday before the concert when I read that more seats had been released and bought a ticket for section 124. After that, I turned around and shelled out enough money to feed the entire arena Taco Bell or something for an airline ticket, but let me say it was worth it. I was a bit upset when I arrived only to find that the primo seat that I had bought on the side of the stage....did not exist. The house ushers tried moving us clear to the back, which was unacceptable. After throwing around a bit of a mild tantrum and frustration, I wound up (along with the other folks who were to sit beside me) in the middle of the floor about 20 rows back from the stage, center on. It was nice, but I think the original seats would have been better. After 20 minutes delay, the lights went down and band members took to the stage. The audience went nuts. I thought it was absolutely terrific that Stevie's dad came to the stage to introduce his daughter. About 15 seconds later, she appeared down stage right waving and smiling really big. It was hilarious when she went to the microphone to sing the words but was at the wrong mic! Stevie looked at Sharon and Mindy really rather puzzled and they pointed that she should go to *her* mic, the one decorated with the pretty tassles. Stevie obviously didn't notice that, but she picked right up where the audience handed Outside the Rain back to her and the fun began. After a four song flash back to the Enchanted Tour 1998, Stevie brought Sheryl Crow on stage for her/their numbers, which were absolutely fantastic...but what happened to "If You Ever Did Believe?" Following that segment, my favorite song began, Stand Back, but Stevie came out in a red shawl laced with the stars/dots what ever they are instead of the black one. The keyboards were missing from the beginning, but nonetheless, the song rocked the house and everyone in my section was gettin' down to it. After that came Don Henley to the stage to sing Leather and Lace and then Boys of Summer. Henley left the stage which a lot of people afterwards complained about, but I believe he didn't do too many numbers in order to draw a crowd to his own concert in Arizona in the next few weeks. Following a piano introduction, Stevie and her good friend Rhiannon rocked the house. Chris Isaak then came to the stage and I was surprised that they had such a past together. When he was announced I was like "what's he doing there?" but obviously the two of them are good friends and Chris Isaak was definitely as good as the rest of them. Stevie introduced Lindsay Buckingham right afterwards and you could tell that she had waited all night long to bring him to the stage. Following a three song excerpt from The Dance Tour, I was expecting either "Crystal" or "Twisted" to come when he and the other guitarists started to play, but instead "Gypsy" came! That was a totally *SWEET* acoustic rendition! Everyone loved it. All left the stage for the percussionists solos to bring on "Edge of Seventeen". Stevie absolutely ROCKED during that number, so did the band, and so did the audience. Where I was sitting was nothing less than an Ozz-fest like "mini riot"...everyone was jumping, dancing, head banging, and having a good time. It was breathtaking. Stevie finished the shows with "I Need To Know" and "HAEWAFY". Everyone came out for their bows and the audience cheered for more, but unfortunately none came. It was GREAT to see Stevie so moving, so smiling, so alive, and so vibrant and so energetic! I think this next concert tour of hers will definitely be a must see and following Saturday's concert, she proved that she will continue to be a center piece in the history of female musicians. It was well worth the entire trip and I'd do it again in a heart beat. from Michelle, Brooklyn, New York Wow! What can I say? This event was the absolute greatest. First, Stevie's dad came on stage to introduce her. She started with Outside The Rain and starts singing when she notices that the mic is not on. So she motions to tell the guys to fix it when someone in the band tells her that she is at the wrong mic. This was funny, but cool! After Outside The Rain she then went into Dreams. In between she thanked everyone for coming out to see her and for donating their time and money to such a great cause. Stevie looked incredible and sounded fantastic! She then sang Enchanted and Gold Dust Woman. She introduced her first guest as saying that she and Sheryl Crow co-produced her upcoming CD and that she has become a very good friend. Sheryl came out and they did Everyday Is A Winding Road. It was really cool to see Stevie sing back-up to someone else's song. Stevie left the stage after that and left Sheryl there to do My Favorite Mistake. Stevie came back out and the two did another Sheryl song called The Difficult Kind, definitely a highlight of the evening. They harmonized very well in this song. It was very beautiful. Stevie next thanks Sheryl for helping out and goes into Stand Back. Right after she sings that song, the opening chords of Leather and Lace start to play. Stevie sings her part and then Don Henley came out. The crowd was going crazy all night and everyone was really into it. After they sang that, Stevie left Don there to sing a really cool version of Boys of Summer. Next, Stevie comes back out and thanks Don for helping out and the music starts playing for Rhiannon. Stevie comes onto the stage again wearing her Rhiannon outfit. That song was definitely the most hypnotizing version I have ever heard. Stevie was really into this song and it was great! So, Stevie now has to introduce Chris Isaak. It was really cool because he came out wearing a red outfit. He looked great and he joked around at how Stevie told him to clean up his act tonight because her parents were there. So he said that he wouldn't be too filthy and said that the heart was his second favorite organ!!! Of course, everyone including Stevie cracked up. The first song that they did together was a song that Stevie used to sing with her grandfather. It was called It's Late and can be found on her box set. It was a really cool version. Next came Solitary Man. They also sounded great on that. Stevie was very playful and flirty with almost all of her guests. Stevie then left Chris to do a song by himself. I don't know the name of it, but it is from the soundtrack to Eyes Wide Shut. Somewhere in between her guests, I forget where, she introduces her band. It is Brett Tuggle's (keyboardist) birthday and she lets everyone sing Happy Birthday to him. She also tells everyone when she is introducing Don Boyette (bass player) that he saved her life the other day. It seems that they were doing a private show and she was walking across the stage and tripped over the bass player amp. It was lucky that Don was there to catch her just in time or she would have fell off the stage and got seriously hurt. So, I am guessing this is why she was wearing her platform black sneakers instead of her trademark platform boots. She also told a story when she introduced her musical director, Carlos Rios. It seems that his father had to have heart surgery and Carlos was very worried and hoped that everything would be okay. Stevie told him that everything would be fine because there are great heart doctors and the AHI is researching everyday to make people better. She then said that everything did turn out great and his father was in the audience that night. What a great ending to a story! Finally, the moment that I have been waiting for. Stevie is on stage and doesn't really know what to say to introduce this last guest. So she just says Lindsey Buckingham. The crowd freaked out! It was so incredible to see Stevie and Lindsey on the same stage holding hands and talking to each other. You could really see the love that is still there between them. So, Stevie is about to leave the stage, when Lindsey grabs her and tells her not to leave just yet. He precedes to tell the crowd how when he and Stevie were dating they would come to Arizona to visit her parents and when he was a little boy, his family would take him and his brothers to Arizona for vacations. He then said something to the effect that with all the ups and downs and all the good times and the bad times that he and Stevie shared, it was really great that they were both here in Arizona doing this tonight. Lindsey dedicated the next two songs that he would sing to Stevie and I think his speech really touched her because she walked off the stage wiping the tears from her eyes. What an incredible moment!!! All the while during his speech, Stevie had stood behind him with her arms around his waist and it was so great to see how far the two of them had really come. Lindsey started with Big Love and then went into Go Insane. I have never really seen Lindsey in concert before, so this was definitely one of the best moments of my life. He was awesome, incredible and amazing. He looked great! Stevie then came back out onto the stage and before she started singing, she dedicated Landslide to Lindsey's brother, Jeff, her parents and her aunt. I never thought that I would ever see Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham perform together again in cocert in my lifetime. They are truly two legends and performed Landslide so greatly. Next, Carlos Rios (guitarist) and Waddy Wachtel (guitarist) join Stevie and Lindsey on stage and Stevie said that they haven't really done this song in a long time and Lindsey actually suggested that they do it tonight for the show. The guys started playing the guitars and that is when I realized that it was Gypsy. This is my absolute favorite Stevie song and I never thought that I would ever see her perform this song again. It was a very welcome surprise and it sounded amazing with nothing else but guitars and Stevie. So, after all that incredible stuff, Stevie comes out and does Edge of Seventeen. Great version!! Finally, her two encores, I Need To Know and Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You. It was a perfect ending to a perfect concert in a perfect setting, Arizona. She thanked all of her guests and then thanked everyone for coming out to support the Arizona Heart Institute and said she was really touched that we were all there. I will never forget this show!!! from Aaron Allen, Pheonix I have waited a little while to write this, as always, affter seeing and hearing Miss STEVIE NIX, I need some time to reflect. I arrived at the Arena at seven fourty, equipped with a few of my favorite things,my little sister, my best friend, and my tambourine. We entered through the back, because of my sisters weelchair,and we were escorted through the backstage aria(where the security gaurd told us that he'd just seen Lindsey Buckingham!!) to the floor where we found our seets. We had great seats, and I lifted my sister out of the weelchair to her seet. At 8:20 Stevie's band took stage and then Stevies dad introduced her, we were all very excited.The opening music to "Outside the Rain" began!! (I have to add, that this is quite the thrill, for us yonger Stevie Fans, who have only had the pleasure of seeng the vidieos, and have not had the thrill of hearing the Outside the Rain/Dreams medly preformed live!!) When Stevie came out to sing Outside the Rain, the MAGIC started! I was overwhelmed with fellings of joy and excitement! She was Beautifull, in her tradittional Stevie-style black dress, and blonde Halo. She Just seems to Glow on-stage. Both songs were AMAZING! I knew stevie wouldn't dissappoint! Then was "Enchanted", which is always wonderfully up beat, and fun, and "Gold Dust Womman" compleete with gold shawl, and all. Then it was time for Sheryl Crow, (Who I am very jealous of, because she always gets to sing with Stevie) But She does it so well, so ya just gotta love her! They did Every day is a winding road, THen Sheryl Sang "my Favorite Mystake", and Both Stevie, and Sheryl sang a beautiful version of "if you could only see" They both really look cute, when they are singing to each other, and they blend very nicely. Both my sister, and my friend are very big Sheryl Crow fans, so they particularly enjoyed this part of the show. Then, Sheryl and Stevie left the stage, and the music started pulsating, and "Stand Back"(the traditional version) began my friend started singing "little red corvet, which we cant stop doing, ever since we heard stevie tell the Stand Back story on VH1 Storytellers :) ! Then, Mr. Don henly appeared to sing his part on the Beautifull, "Leather and Lace" AMAZING, and very heart felt. Stevie put her arms around him, while he sang, it was great to see two old friens together like that. THen, Mr. Henly did a Slower, but still very nice version of "Boys of Summer" He exeted saying" I'll see you in three weeks. (He really has class, you can just tell) THEN!,after a cool,long piano intro, that got alot of applause.....the Mother of all Stevie Songs......Reannon" This was a great version, I really Think this song Shows how timeless, StevieNix is, she'll progress, and make different versions of this song but it is like a living work, it just keeps getting better! She really sings this song with passion. THen Chris Isack (who I really didn't know much about, except that I had seen him on FRIENDS, with Lisa Kudrow) Chris Isack was Dressed like Elvis! in this REd, Rinestone thing, whatever.(if your singing with stevie, you can do what ever ya want.!, except for tell dirty jokes, wich stevie told him not to do, with her parents in the audience!!) That got a laugh from the crowd, and it was fun watching Stevie, and Chris interact. He kept making her laugh, and that was really nice to see. They sang "It's late", in honor of Stevie's Grandfather. Then chris sang "Solitary man", and "Bad Bad thing" from the eyes wide shut sound track. Sheryl Crow joined him for this song, and the two of them really wound up the crowd! THen Lindsey Buckingham, who is an AWSOME gitarist! One of the best. He detticated Go insane, and Big Love to stevie, and Then, with him playing, Stevie sang "Landslide" This is a very personal and special somg to me, and for all of us. I couldnt stop the tears from coming to my eyes, I closedmy eyes, to just kind of absorb what I was hearing, I heald my little sisters hand, and she squeezed it tightly, knowing how much Landslide means to me. When I oppened my eyes, Many others also had tears in there eyes. The moment was just beautiful, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. Then, Lindsy swiched guitars, and much to all of our amazement, started to play those first fimilliar notes of .......Gypsy. My friend imediatly huged me, and we held through the entire song. it is very special to us. It was the most beautiful version of "gypsy" that Ihave ever heard,and unlike on the dance vidieo, stevie added that special part at the end. Both Gypsy, and Lindey Buckingham got very thunderous, and very sincere applause. They had handed out mini flash lights along with the roses, and it seemed that the entire areana was sparkling with light. Then, THe Strobe lights! the electric Guitar! The white Shawl! Thats right, no Stevie Concert is compleete with out the white wing dove! Stevie Sang Edge of Seventeen, and it rocked! I tell ya, her voice just gets better, and better. And at one point of the song, she was spinning under a white spotlight, and again, she just seemed to glow, like a ghost through a fog.......she spun under the lights, and it just had the entire audience in rapture, and delight. Edge of seventeen brought manny people to there feet there was dancing, and clapping, it was great. After edge of Seventeen, was Tom Petty's "I need To Know" Stevie sang that one tambourine in hand!.She then put on a Sparkling white shawl, and looking like an angel sang The beautiful and HAUNTING "Has Enyone ever written enything for you" This song brought my little sister to tears, I gave her a big hug, and she hugged me back, and I told her, that eventhough, I'd be moving soon, I will always be there for her, and I told her that ween she misses me to play some stevie, and that the chain will keep us together..... It was cool watching Stevie be Stevie.With her unique and amazing vocals, combined with her mystical aura, combined with her sweet, and down to earth personallity. This review is kind of personal, but I think that we can all Identify with the kind of connections that botth Stevie and her music bring to us. I was honored to attend this bennefit get together to help raise money for the Arizona Heart institute. Stevie, you can cout on us, and we know we can count on you!. Thanks for an Enchanting night. from Debi My daugther Rhiannon and I flew from Omaha to Phoenix to see Stevie in the most amazing performance I have ever seen. I have seen Stevie perform many times over the last 23 years and she just keeps getting better! I had the opportunity to sit in the front row during a private concert last November (and meet her too! ) and I must say it is much better to be back a bit where you can really hear the sound of her beautiful voice. I won't list all the songs and observations by other fans but I will add a couple of things. Lindsey spoke to the crowd about how special Phoenix has been to him and he referred to it as a place "where anything's possible". I thought it was a very sweet tribute to Stevie and the home that she loves. And by the way, when is the industry going to recognize Lindsey for the guitar God he is? His performance of Big Love, Go Insane and Gypsy was totally and completely breathtaking. It was amazing how many people were dressed in Stevie like dresses, shawls and boots. She really inspires people in a way you don't see very often. I have never seen Stevie so happy and talkative during a performance, it was really a treat. I've read that people in the industry are predicting that after the release of her new album, Stevie will finally be recognized as the legend that she is. This performance certainly shows that. This woman can still ROCK, after all of these years. from Jane Anderson I live in Hawaii- the only reason I ever travel to the mainland is to see my beloved Stevie... Anyway, I've never seen Stevie look so happy! She sounded so great- it was awesome! It was a very emotional evening - I think the high point for me was the beautiful acoustic Gypsy- that was spectacular. I went to the party afterwards at Wells Fargo- security was very tight. Stevie looked gorgeous as she accepted her gift from the AZ Heart Institute and she sat on that motorcycle that was raffled off. I was about 20 feet away. What I found so special is the love that Stevie has for her lovely parents- she is definitely "daddy's girl" She and her dad were embracing and she was whispering in his ear- they both laughed. It was a night to remember and I look forward to the next tour! Aloha from Hawaii. from Deanna Garcia, Las Cruces, NM This was my very first Stevie concert, and it was everything I thought it would be and more. When Stevie's father introduced her and I saw her walk out on stage, I lost it, I sobbed for a good 15 minutes..then on and off through most of the songs, I loved every artist that performed...this was just the coolest experience I've ever had, I still haven't come down from my "Stevie high." I can't wait to see her again, she was so beautiful and sounded so incredible...and all the other fans I met were great! It was a temendous event! from Lisa, Carson City, Nevada One things for sure. Stevie Nicks can harmonize with anyone! Stevie gave an excellent performance Saturday night at the America West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona. The crowd welcomed Stevie with open arms, as her father Jess Nicks introduced her to a sold out crowd. She opened with with "Outside the Rain" and "Dreams". Soon, Stevie introduced Sheryl Crow, mentioning that her new album, which Crow helped produce, was finished (although she did not say when it would be out)! Crow, sang two songs, "Everyday is a Winding Road" and "My Favorite Mistake" to a pleasing crowd. Later in the set, Stevie, alone with her band began "Leather and Lace". The crowd, laced with anticipation of Don Henley's impending arrival, went wild as Henley joined Stevie on stage. Although the audience didn't seem to mind, Henley's performance was surprisingly stiff, as he followed up the duet with a slower version of Boys of Summer. The next friend to join the stage was Chris Issak, who also dueted with Stevie with the Everly Brothers classic "It's Late". Chris then broke into "Baby did a Bad Bad Thing", as Crow returned to the stage, not to sing but dance. Saving the best for last, Stevie introduced Lindsey Buckingham, who received the most applause all evening from the audience. Stevie began to walk off stage so that Buckingham could perform, and he asked her to wait. Stevie stood behind Lindsey with her arms wrapped around him. Lindsey talked about how he and Stevie use to visit Phoenix when they were just starting out, and that after everything they had been through over the years how much he was glad to be back for the concert! Stevie had tears in her eyes, and they hugged. Then, Lindsey dedicated his next two songs to Stevie, "Big Love" and "Go Insane", which he performed alone on stage. Buckingham was truly awesome and brought the crowd to a well deserved standing ovation. Then Stevie joined him on stage for "Landslide". Stevie then said that the next song was Lindsey's idea, and that he wanted to do a song that they had not performed together in a long time. Lindsey and Stevie did an acoustic version of "Gypsy", which turned out beautiful. The audience once again was brought to their feet. The evening came to a close with "Edge of Seventeen" and "I Need to Know", and then Stevie and her "Friends" all took the stage for a final bow. from Ryan Cowan What can I say..should I say..all the things..that I'd like to say to uuuu!!!! The concert was awesome! There were 15,000 people there..can u believe that. Of course..the best part of the concert was when Stevie did an acoustic version of "Gypsy"..w/ Lindsay..and "Stand Back" and "Edge of Seventeen" rocked..as usual. She wore a black outfit, and a shaw during "Gold Dust Woman" and "Stand Back." Her hair looked absolutely beautiful..very ethereal underneath the stage lights. She looked as though she had lost some weight since last time I saw her. Her guests added so much as well. I loved the duet w/ Don Henley.."Leather and Lace." In addition, Sheryl Crow added a certain youthfulness that helped the concert a lot. Chris Issak was hilarious, and I was surprised at his childish nature. Of course Lindsay did awesome on the acoustic "Big Love" and his Stevie duets. You can still feel the love between them, since it was "their" dream to begin with. Stevie was awesome! The CD will be a huge success, and her new found happiness will come through the songs..I'm certain of this. She talked more than I've heard her in previous concerts. Also, you could tell that she felt more at home w/ her Phoenix audience (even though the were not quite as wild as the Ohio audience I've gotten used to). Over all..this concert was exceptional, and Stevie's fans love her. We will always love Stevie. Hearing her music live..is like a dream come true..for each of us. We long for the day..that we may meet her face to face and tell her how she has touched the world.
If you attended the concert and wish to send a review, email it to: reviews@nicksfix.com. Reviews will be accepted until October 1st. Due to the large amount of reviews received, only a sample of the reviews can be posted.