![]() Fan Reviews of the Wells Fargo Stevie Nicks and Friends Concert September 23rd, 2000 Julie Vickie Barb Muscutt Kevin Rhonda Salazar Scott Caldwell Elena Shayne Annan Zachary Wade Mike Sarzo Curtis Bill & Joanne Hansen Gavin Michelle Aaron Allen Debi Jane Anderson Deanna Garcia Lisa Ryan Cowan
Jan & Christie Anthony S. Kathy Renee Blackcat Kevin Barbara Eberly Joshua Missy Pinto Patrick Dennis Anna & Phil Rick Roadspider Sandstress Daniel Demello Tracy Stacey Britt Yvonne James Jimjam Debi & Joe Patrick Cheryl Robin & Laura Angela SiseroJo Belle ![]() from Jan and Christie This has been a weekend unlike any other - one we will NEVER forget!!! Only Stevie Nicks can bring two Southerners (a fan from Birmingham and a fan from Atlanta) halfway across the US. It was our love for Stevie and the Nicksfix chatroom (Thank You, John) that brought two strangers together. We arrived at the Atlanta airport at 5am Friday, headed for Phoenix. The journey was full of FIRSTS....Christie's first time to fly and Jan's first Stevie concert. We arrived in Phoenix around 10am, full of excitement and anticipation...ready to tour Stevie-land. First stop...Alice Cooper's restaurant to see the autographed Fleetwood Mac guitar, from the Dance tour. Later that evening, we met with a few other fans, from New York and Texas, for dinner at Chili's. Saturday morning, we met Alicia and Irene from Chicago (whom they too met online)...we had a great time talking with them. Then off we went to Scottsdale to sightsee and visit the shops of Old Town. Before the BIG EVENT, we had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe - our seats were in perfect view of their Stevie display..of course we took lots of pics!!! Countdown to the night's event was drawing near - we were busting at the seams with EXCITEMENT, the event we had been waiting for, since it was first announced back in April, was finally upon us!!!! We caught the last shuttle from Wells Fargo enroute to the Arena where we met Jen from Rhode Island and to our surprise, her seat was 3 down from our's. Upon arrival, we were given a rose, a program, and a mini flashlight. The Arena was filled with MANY fans from all over and the excitement was contagious to epidemic proportions!!!! With the lowering of the lights, and the movement of shadows onstange, we knew the MAGICAL MOMENT was upon us!!!!! Jess Nicks walked onstage to introduce his daughter - and our beloved STEVIE NICKS!!!! The place went WILD as she walked onstage, waving and smiling but stopping for just a moment to hug her dad as he was leaving the stage. Stevie sounded absolutely fantastic and looked radiant. During the entire show, she appeared to be having the time of her life. On several occasions, she thanked the audience for supporting the cause so dear to her and to her family. The highlights of the show, for us were: Seeing two dear friends, Stevie and Sheryl, onstage...they harmonized beautifully together. Stevie starting "Leather and Lace" standing alone onstage in the beginning, and when it's time for Don's part, he strolls out onstage waving to the crowd (who went wild), then joined in for the duet with Stevie standing behind him, holding on to his shoulder. The 3rd guest, Chris Isaac, joined Stevie on stage and immediately told her he didn't want to do "that song". Stevie laughed and asked him what song did he want to do then? He laughed and said OK and started "It's Late" with Stevie joining in. The audience was singing along with this one. As Stevie was leaving the stage she warned Chris to keep his act clean cause her parents' were in the audience. During "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing", Sheryl crawled onstage and sung a few lines with Chris and then left. Chris made up a new verse by singing "Where did my Sheryl Crow go, oh I love her so....I've bought all her cds". He was definetely the comical highlight of the evening, who stood out in his red Elvis look-alike suit. The emotional highlight of the night was Stevie's 4th and final guest.....LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM. Lindsey walked onstage and he and Stevie embraced. Stevie started to leave the stage, but Lindsey wouldn't let her leave, just yet. Seeing those two onstage together, with Stevie standing behind Lindsey with her arms around him and him holding her hands, as he talked about the "old days" visiting Stevie's parents'...brought tears not only to our eyes but to Stevie's, as well. Lindsey dedicated "Big Love" and "Go Insane" to Stevie. After Lindsey's solos, Stevie came back onstage and they dedicated "Landslide" to Stevie's parents', her aunt, and to Lindsey's brother. Next came the biggest surprise of all....an acoustic version of "Gypsy" with Lindsey, Carlos, and Waddy playing guitars - Stevie mentioned Lindsey had requested that song. Stevie performed many of her old favorites that really ROCKED the Arena: Stand Back, Edge of Seventeen, Enchanted, Dreams, Gold Dust Woman, Rhiannon, and closed the show with "I Need to Know" and "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You". It was a spectacular show and concluded with all the guests returning to the stage to say thank you and good night. We were fortunate enough to attend the Apres after concert party. Undoubtedly the highlight of the evening was Stevie appearing in red snakeskin pants and sitting on top of the motorcycle...it would have been no surprise to anyone if she had cranked that "bad boy" up and rode off into the desert. The tender part of the evening was watching Stevie holding on to her dad and seeing the love they have for each other. There were many winners this evening... ..the fans, the guests, and the Arizona Heart Institute. In one evening, many great things were accomplished: Stevie performed with her "friends", alot of money was raised for the benefit, and many new friendships were formed between strangers, who was brought together that night - Stevie has the best fans and it was a night that no one will forget!!!! And as we landed back in Atlanta at midnight Sunday, a memory has been made that will last a lifetime!!!! THANK YOU STEVIE for a WONDERFUL evening and for the SPECIAL friendship that has been made, between two people who may have never met!!! You and the Nicksfix are two links in this "chain" that will never be broken!!! from Anthony S., Jupiter, FL There is just a few words I would like to say about Saturday night 9/23/00 - I bought for the second time, the 1000.00 dollar seats & in my eyes their worth 10,000 a seat...........hands down - Stevie if you are reading this you are by far the coolest person I know............I was happy somebody in your home town won the motorcycle this way maybe while your driving in your car - you may see your Harley go by :) - As far as the show goes I say this with all my heart on a scale of 1 to 100 this show is rated 1,000,000.00 your Mom & dad are as special to me as they are to you....they put there love & heart into everything they do & it shows, I want to thank EVERYONE at the AHI for giving me the opportunity to be there! I hope the AHI makes everyone who worked so hard at this 100% happy in what they put together, Stevie you show was fantastic & the support from all your friends shows how loved you are from your fans to your peers! Good Bless you & to all who added into making this show so special., I Truly Love it & your voice sounds better & better everytime I see you in person! PS I was the person who was in seat 19 row A facing you though out the night singing along into your eyes with each & every song! :)))) And to all the people who seated at my table & the dinner, you all were very much fun............patrick & sara & woman who won the picture frame & Mrs Don Hanley :) All My Love to you & your family & friends. from Kathy, Phoenix It's been just about an hour since the show ended and I'm still rockin! Stevie was so gorgeous tonight. Her voice was in fine form. What a fantastic evening it was! Stevie looked lovely, as usual, as she glided onto the stage after being introduced by her Dad, Jess Nicks, longtime Chairman of the Board of the Az Heart Institute. It was quite cute how Stevie mistakenly began singing at the wrong mike, which was not on at the time. She quickly realized she was not yet at center stage, and made a beeline for the scarf-draped stand with the live mike! Like the ultimate professional, she didn't miss a beat and picked up her intro to "Enchanted" just as the band repeated the opening bar a second time. She thanked the audience for their support of the event, and the Az Heart Institute many times.
Tonight, Stevie gave her all to every song she performed. Her set list included,
The night's most memorable moments came during Stevie's introduction of Lindsey and his touching words to the audience about their roller coaster relationship. She stood behind him with her head on his shoulder as he spoke lovingly about their strong bond. She was so moved at the end of his brief speech that when he dedicated his performance to her, she was in tears as she left the stage and he began his acoustic renditions of "Big Love" and "Go Insane". I can't think of another time I've felt the intensity between them stirring so strongly that I almost felt like an intruder on such a special moment. Still, I'm very glad I was part of it all! It's hard not to sense the loss they both must feel at all the wasted years. It was magical seeing them on stage together performing "Landslide" as if they were still those young innocent kids they once were. They always seem to get a little entranced during that song, especially Lindsey, and tonight was no exception. After their duet, Stevie cued the
audience that Lindsey wanted to do a special version of one of
their well known FM songs, but it would be unlike anything they
had done before. I must say, the guitar-only version of "Gypsy",
with Lindsey on the classical while Stevie's two band guitarists
strummed along on their acoustics, was quite a treat. I loved
it! LB really kicked it on his familiar riffs, which sounded
just as great unplugged as they do on the screaming electric he
usually plays for that tune in FM. The entire night seemed
as special to the performers as it did to the audience. I, for
one, am grateful I was lucky enough to be in attendance on this
special night. from Renee Just got back a couple of hours ago. The concert was phenomenal!! I was so excited to see Lindsey Buckingham. I loved that they did Landslide and Gypsy together. He was fabulous on his own as well. I had never seen Chris Isaac live before but he was quite good, and what a great sense of humor. Cheryl Crow looked wonderful. She looks so much 'softer and more feminine' than I've ever seen - is that due to spending so much time with Stevie??? And Don Henley- we had planned on going to buy tickets Monday to see him in October, but now I'm afraid to wait another day!!! It was a very enjoy evening. I only wish they would have done an encore with everyone-- PS - loved the flowers we received. How very special!!! from Blackcat, Pennsylvania Arriving at the venue at about 6:45 PM, I saw a sea of Stevie Nicks fans all around . . . women dressed up in black chiffon, platform boots, a few ladies in gypsy clothes, and one gentleman that stands out in my mind was a rather magnificent looking fellow--some sort of spiritual man, some sort of leader I would guess. And while we were all from different states, and I believe even a few different countries, we were all there to see Stevie Nicks! As we entered the arena, we were presented with roses and a beautiful brochure, and the opening of it read: "A Wild Heart Returns." It shared the goals of the Foundation, chaired by Mr. Jess Nicks! :o) We also saw Elenna, the young lady that interviewed Stevie on VH1, standing right next to us. We had a large gap in front of us, so a lot of folks walked around. I could hear folks talking . . . while I am not familiar with the NewsGroups, there were people talking about that and various mailing lists that were meeting up for the first time. It was sort of fun to watch them all meet . . . Stevie fans all getting together for the first time, many of them. :o) A group of my friends and I were sitting in the 8th row, center: David, Patti, me, Hayley and Calamity Jane. I have NEVER been that close to any show of any performer in my life . . . this show was absolutely magical! We tried to find other friends in the venue, but it was pretty hard to do that . . . my friend Patti had me turn around to notice the arena--it was absolutely gorgeous with the flickering of tiny lights, as these were given out to the fans that attended. The set list has already been posted, so I will try to share a few other things . . . Stevie's Dad came out and introduced "my daughter, Stevie Nicks!" :o) Mr. Nicks's voice actually seemed choked up a bit during the intro, and Stevie embraced him when she gracefully walked out onto the stage. That was just the beginning of special moments. The fans were on their feet and the applause was thunderous! Gold Dust Woman . . . there isn't a version of this that I have heard that I don't LOVE! :o) Obviously Stevie loves this song too . . . and at the end of the song, lights came down as if from the heavens, looking as if they would take her away! Stevie sure has some pretty amazing friends, that all came to perform for this benefit~ which makes them our friends too. She introduced her first friend, Sheryl Crow . . . and it was neat to hear her harmonizing on "Every Day Is A Winding Road". Sheryl was wearing skin tight black pants and a black top . . . she was a cat in the dark for sure! And she was quite coquettish, but it was all in fun as she reappeared Chris Isaak's performance! :o) With this first friend, we saw that Stevie would not only sing with her friends, but would graceously give the stage to them, and allow them to sing on their own. THAT was special. :o) It was during Sheryl's performance that my friend Hayley's held up a sign was first seen by a least a couple members of the band! :o) It was not gigantic, but a black pillowcase with white vinyl letters (about 6 inches each) that said: WELCOME BACK, WADDY! When the stage lights were shined on the audience (which happened ALOT!), Patti told Hayley to hold her sign up NOW! :o) Waddy saw it!!! He smiled and blew her a kiss. He spent the rest of the evening showing why Stevie fans LOVE him! What an awesome performer! :o) And while I can't explain it, there IS something just incredibly cute about Waddy! :o) Near Waddy was two faithful friends of Stevie, Sharon and Mindy. Thank you both for what you give us on these shows, and Sharon, for your part on Edge Of Seventeen. You are terrific! That is one of my most favorite songs. We hope one day your other friend Lori Nicks will be back on the stage with you! The next friend to arrive came in via song! Mr. Don Henley, who I have seen twice this year on tour, took the time to come down to visit us! It was a gift to actually hear Don and Stevie sing Leather and Lace LIVE. You can't get this group of people together like this very often. THANK YOU so much for making this night a memory for us!!! Chris Isaak was very funny--wearing that red suit and blue sequins and stuff. This is the first time I "met him." What a comedian! But I'll tell you one thing: this man can sing! :o) He could be a one man show! Stevie was exhorting him to behave because her parents were attending tonight! You could tell there was a lot of good hearted humour between him and Stevie . . . and Sheryl Crow was a riot, crawling out onto the stage, literally, to torment this man while he was singing. I suspect she has had her share of torment from him too! :o) Chris, you ROCK! :o) Finally a moment many Buckingham Nicks fans were waiting for, Stevie's introduction of Lindsey Buckingham! What a joy to observe the deep loving friendship and a lot of pride going back and forth between them. Yes, Lindsey did bring her to tears with some of the sweet moments that he shared with the crowd. And Lindsey then proceeded to give a blistering account of where he is musically with his guitar! :o) WOW!!!! But before he did Go Insane, he recited a poem . . . he was flawless! Big Love and Go Insane, which he dedicated to Stevie. It is so hard to believe that it was just one man playing those songs! I can't wait to hear all the treasures that will be on the new cd. Get ready for a few wonderful tours in 2001! How incredibly amazing to be hearing Gypsy, accoustic style . . . with a bit of the Buckingham Nicks line up???? Stevie, Lindsey, Waddy . . . and also Carlos was there. I think the fans are more than ready for both of these wonderful people to bring out their albums and tour. It was a priviledge for us all to be there. While it's not the final song, I just wanted to share that Edge of Seventeen is ELECTRIFYING!!! The opening drums and guitar work is just unbelievable, and the strobe lighting just made all of it MAGIC!!!! Just an amazing affect to the band, featuring Waddy on the opening just as he was on the videos! I totally LOVE the Edge of Seventeen from White Winged Dove tour (the one on Enchanted), but it was just incredible to see these people perform it LIVE that way!!! I was honored to be there, and it was wonderful seeing this show with some of MY special friends! I will just mention a bit of the "a pres" party . . . we were taken back to the Wells Fargo Bank, and let off in front of a cordoned off area . . . except it was roped off for US! No kidding! They had red carpeting layed out! And they were so nice to us as we arrived, folks walking around carrying trays of wine, etc. This was serious! They had us walk over to a couple of large tables with those beautifully wrapped Tiffany boxes sitting on them, and took our names and gave us each a box . . . they had a crystal candle holder and candle in them. We felt very special by all the little details that were done . . . (even back at the venue, EVERYONE got roses, flashlights and the Stevie brochure--this was a very special evening!) There were beautiful fountains and lights inside . . . high tables set up with beautiful flower displays and having the Arizona Heart Institute's logo on them. (There was also coffee, tea, an open bar . . . and that was just the entry way!!!!) Inside, was an authentic Wells Fargo Stage Coach, with baggage on it. One of the dignitaries mentioned that one of the pieces of baggage was used by John Wayne. There were elegantly dressed tables with fruit, cheeses, crackers, breads on one side large room, and on the other, all kinds of fancy desserts. And in front of the Stage Coach, all roped off, was the Stevie Motorcycle! Valued at $50,000.00! At one point, we looked up in the air and saw there was a balcony. And eventually we saw Stevie and Friends peering over it, looking at US!!! :o) THAT was special . . . eventually, they made their way downstairs from some hidden entrance, and were introduced by the people that set this event up.
When the announcment of the winner of the motorcycle came, they read out
the winner's name and phone number! Stevie looked a bit startled when
the gentleman read out the winner's phone number--she covered her hands
over her face when they did that. :o) THANK YOU STEVIE. And all your wonderful friends! Just know that you have quite a few cardio thoracic surgery folks on the east coast that love you--very much! :o) from Kevin, San Francisco Stevie was, as always, WONDERFUL. She looked and sounded AWESOME!. I flew in from San Francisco for the show and it was worth it! Sheryl Crow, Chris Isaak, Lindsey Buckingham, and Don Henley were GREAT too. Thanks Stevie! (I love you!!!) from Barbara Eberly Thanks again, Stevie. Time well spent as always. money spent for the best, entertainment at its prime. You know how to do it in this city. We love & adore you for who you are and it showed in megawats that you reciprocate. I have been to 5 concerts and never thought you looked and sounded as good as Saturday nite. You rocked!!! You delivered!!! I am also a woman of upper middle age..45, and believe me, you give us all so much. You were having the time of your life and it showed. So sweet, so nostalgic, so very much in the NOW. Keep coming back and so will we.... I cannot fathom a Phoenix or a tour without you.We all have our reasons for either loving or hating this valley, but Stevie you make it worthwhile. Thanks so much again.......... from Joshua, Las Cruces, New Mexico I knew she was gonna open with Outside the Rain/Dreams, cuz thats whats she's been doing for years and it rocks!!! It was great as usual, and I was up screaming for enchanted, one of my fav's...GDW was rockin` as usual, I love seeing her do that live, i heard waddy droppin` D and I was all, "Its GDW!"...
When Sheyrl came out it was so awesome!!! EDIAWR was just so
awesome, Carlos and the band did such a great job on that
song...MFM is one of MF songs from her, and it sounded awesome!!!
TDK was rockin` to, Stevie sounded so good harmonizing with
Sheryl, we also saw these songs the next day in acoustic form,
except MFM when she did play bass, when she opened for Mr.
Young... Rhiannon rocked as always, with the cool piano intro, that piano player rocks!!! Then Chris came out in this way groovy red suit with like these shiny rhinestones all over it or something, it was nice...he came out and they discussed It's Late and he started playing it, and then he stopped, and said, thats how it goes right? Or something like that, he was great....and i loved the jokes about the second favorite organ, the cheap and filthy seats, and of course the AZ double wide waterbed ungelatin` cookin` your skillet thing....HA!!! He was very awesome... OMG...then it was time....the time I have been waiting for all my life...Mr. Lindsey BucKINGham...the king himself...master...like totally wow...He came out with and him and Stevie talked and Stevie was hugging him while he talked about what the Phoenix area meant to him, and then he put on the Chet Atkins, shook his hand about a little....and then we had lift off..."Lookin` Out for Love, In the Night So Still..." OMG I went Nutz!!!! I was so totally up and down and yelling and screaming and the right side of my body started trembling so bad I had to hold my self down!!! My friends thought I was gonna have a heart attack, so did I!!! Oh my, it was so wow, you know, Big Love, and then the poem, cast the aside in the ashes, or something, really awesome, and Landslide, with Lindsey doing the master solo...and then, the greatest moment of the night, Waddy and Carlos came out, Stevie started talking about how they used to play this song long ago, and I was thinking, Frozen Love???? But, I knew that was a long shot, then Lindsey started playing, and I was all, wait, is this?? OMG it is!!! Gypsy all acoustic style!!! It was totally awesome!!! I was like freakin` out again, thought I was gonna break down totally!!! And he rocked the solo!! I was like in total shock, then he was gone...it was over...I had just seen the man himself do Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, and a new acoustic version of Gypsy...how awesome is that... EO17 was totally kickin like always, same with I need to Know, and HAEWAFY was as emotional as ever... I thought it was really cool when stevie kept mentioning the fans and thanking the fans throughout the night, and talking about heart problems, and how she knows we will find a cure for all of this... I was really hit emotionaly when she talked about Carlos, and his dad, then she introduced his father and he was on the side of the stage and waved at all of us!! It was like, wow, we are all a part of something really important and really super for all men and woman on this planet... Oh ya, Despite for screams of Bring out Stevie!! She wasn't at the Sheryl show the next evening... from Missy Pinto "Two kinds of people in this world-winners, losers." Stevie Nicks, as always, proved to be the most winning after orchestrating an enchanting evening to benefit the Arizona Heart Institute on Saturday, September 23rd. The event raised over two hundred thousand dollars for this noble cause; five hundred audience members donated $500-$1000 to attend. After opening with the ever-impressive "Outside the Rain" and "Dreams", a shower or chiffon and celebrated guests flooded the stage at the America West Arena. While we audience members caught their breath from the last performance, a flash of THE cape caught our eye, and the beginning chords of "Gold Dust Woman" sent the crowd into yet another fabulous frenzy. Sheryl Crow was the first to grace the stage with two of her hits, "Everyday is a Winding Road" and "My Favorite Mistake". Stevie then sauntered back out to harmonize with Crow in a melting rendition of "The Difficult Kind". Sheryl was filled with such sass and splendor; she was truly proud to be on the stage with her heroine. Wow, wouldn't we ALL love to be in those shoes! One of Stevie's faves, as well as ours, "Stand Back" rocked the arena next and spilled into the introduction of her next guest, Mr. Don Henley. She began crooning the audience with the first verse of "Leather and Lace" as we all searched around for the partner of this story. He strolled into the spotlight filling in the beautiful picture before us. A ballad version of "Boys of Summer" followed, and then a birthday celebration of her keyboard player, Bret Tuggle. "Rhiannon", with its haunting original piano intro did indeed "ring like a bell through the night", and paved the way for the flash and flaunting of Chris Isaak. His Elvis-esque suit glittered as brightly as his presence, and he and Stevie joked it up, teaming up for "It's Late" in remembrance of A.J. Nicks, Stevie's grandfather and musical catalyst. Chris "allowed" Stevie on stage for one more song, "Solitary Man", complete with a sultry Storyteller's introduction of their adventure in a club, and then off went Chris into seducing the crowds with "Baby Did a Bad Thing". Wow, it's mighty impressive when one man can simultaneously win over the hearts of thousands of women; Chris accomplished this without even blinking an eye. Needless to say, since I pride myself among the HIGHEST calibur of Lindsey fans, my dreams were made into reality when my personal god of the guitar was introduced. Without saying much at all, Stevie spoke a thousand words as she rolled out the carpet and welcomed him. His words pierced through our hearts as he spoke of speaking with Stevie's parents, of times gone by and healing the wounds of yesteryears, revealing sunny skies once again. He was left alone to capture our hearts, dedicating "Big Love" and "Go Insane", complete with his intoxicating poetry, to his one and only Stevie. I was sent into a convulsion of tears from the first note he plucked until their BEAUTIFUL acoustic "Gypsy" had reached its climax. Of course, no concert could ever be complete without boiling the pot over with the finale, "Edge of Seventeen". In the flavor of her recent Storyteller's performance, the performance was more robust and earth-shattering than ever before. During her trademark "Stevie scream", five lightning bolt spotlights flooded her as she threw her head back and erupted. Unbelievable… Showing her true appreciation, as always, she skimmed the hands of the fans who'd rushed the stage front, thanking everyone for 30 years of support, and of course, MANY more to come. "I Need to Know", by long-time pal, Tom Petty rang out as the first encore, and the final performance of the evening continued with tradition and a radiant majestic white shawl as we all sang along to "Has Anyone Ever Written…" Totally exhausted from excitement, tears, and indescribable pleasures, we all headed over to the Wells Fargo Bank for the after-party and presentation of the benefit funds. Wine, champagne and good conversation flowed like chiffon as we all eagerly awaited to see Stevie and the gang up close and personal. She showed up in red snake-skin pants and the platfrom Reeboks she's sported at the concert; she is the most wonderful, most adorable person I've ever seen! Lindsey, Mr. Lindsey Buckingham threw a side glance at my friends and I during the speech, and we rode high for the rest of the evening before relaxing over coffee with a group of wonderful newly-made companions. Aside from the magic of Saturday night, the highlight and reason behind our journey of 3,000 miles to Phoenix, the entire weekend seemed surreal as every moment held more splendor than the last. We drove through Paradise Valley on Friday afternoon, soaring high into the mountains of Stevieland and having the privilege of getting a first-hand glimpse of all that inspires this wonderful woman. A desert paradise held gorgeous houses and landscapes tucked away in the mountainside; it was an amazing sight. In the evening, we traveled far into the desert to peer up at the star-spangled sky. It was breath-taking, so peaceful, so ethereal. The friends we made will last for a lifetime, as they too have been touched by Ms. Nicks. She brought us all together for a very worthy cause, and more than being able to experience her magic right there before us, she allowed so many of us to meet the most wonderful people in the world. Thank you Stevie, thank you John, and thank you Arizona, and thank God for an experience that has changed the lives of so many of us forever more. from Patrick, New York Its all been said already, but just to add my 2 cents, stevie, you sound better than ever and while i was sitting there about 10 feet from you I couldn't help but think what an honor it is to see you (again) perform in person and what a treasure you are to all music fans. I have grown up on your music and there is one of your songs for each chapter of my life and when I hear you sing that particular song, I am flooded with all the feelings and emotions of that time. I think its pretty amazing that you can evoke that kind of emotion in millions of your fans and for it, I thankyou so very much. I'll see you again next year at the AHI concert,,,and by the way>>>WHAT AN AWESOME CROWD!!!! from Dennis, New York What a magnificent weekend it was... After a seven hour trek from NYC, my friends and I were treated to a grand tour of Phoenix and Paradise Valley by fellow fans attendingthe AHI benefit. It was a special treat to see such Stevie sights as Camelback mountain and the display at the Hard Rock Cafe. All of it was a tasty appetizer before the main course-- seing Stevie and her famous friends perform at the America West Arena on Saturday night. Anticipation was building as thousands of concertgoers gathered at the show, which began shortly after 8 pm. Jess Nicks introduced Stevie, who jumped right into "Outside the Rain," "Dreams," "Enchanted," and a slow- burn vesion of "Gold Dust Woman," starting the evening off with a bang. Her vocals were flawless, and the energy she radiated from the stage brought the hometown crowd to it's feet. Sheryl Crow appeared for "Everyday is a Winding Road," and "The Difficult Kind," on which Stevie provided some amazing harmonies while showing off a few trademark dances with the tambourine. "Stand Back" was next, complete with a stunning red shawl and a high kick during the fantastic finale. A rousing, heartfelt performance of "Leather and Lace" was brought to life with the help of Don Henley, who stayed around to sing "the Boys of Summer." Then, an intricate piano solo preceeded "Rhiannon," which rocked like it rarely has during a live concert. Chris Issak helped Stevie out with "It's Late," (which I NEVER thought I'd see live!) and launched into a medly of "Baby Did a Bad Thing," "Solitary Man," and "Feel Like Cryin'." The chemistry between him and Stevie was intense and their playful banter about cleaning up Chris' act for the show was PRICELESS. Lindsey Buckingham wowed everyone in attendence with "Big Love" and "Go Insane" after making a speech with Stevie in his arms. And as if Lindsey's superior guitar playing skills weren't enough of an added bonus to the festivities, he and Stevie delivered a poignant rendition of "Landslide"-- a performance that I will never forget. Soulful and etheral, the way Stevie sang about getting older and searching for love was truly special. A shimmering acoustic version of "Gypsy" followed, another rare treat! This was hands down the best version of this song ever! Lindsey and Waddy on "dueling" guitars, Stevie's classic treasured lyrics, perfect voices in perfect harmony... it was amazing... "Edge of Seventeen" was unbelievable! Waddy's screaming guitar complimented Stevie's red hot vocals like it never has before. Showcased by a few well- positioned spotlights, Stevie appeared posessed by the sheer emotional power of the song. Unforgettable to say the least! "I Need to Know" and "Has Anyone Ever Written..." were the traditional encores-- performed with great energy, as always-- and after the concert ended, no one wanted to leave! Fortunately, Stevie and her "gang" made appearences at the champagne-soaked apres party at the Wells Fargo bank. She looked wonderful wearing the now- infamous red pants and posing for photo ops with the press. I was lucky enough to get a wink out of her as she hugged her father, thanking everyone for helping out such a good cause. I must say that Stevie's performance at the benefit was unlike any other I've seen. I love getting the feeling that she really is having a good time up there. She weaved her beauty, her poeticism, and her UNBELIEVABLE energy into every song that night and created so many magic moments that I will carry with me wherever I go. The best part about the weekend was being able to meet so many other dedicated Stevie fans, all of whom shared this very special experience with me. John, Shannon, Sylvia, Amy, Jan, Christie, and all the others who I met up with along the way (you too, Stevie!)-- thank you for making this trip a worthwhile one. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. from Anna and Phil, Manchester New Hampshire Just recovering from Stevie and jetlag!! What a great weekend, worth every single second! We have seen Stevie twice in Boston, and this is by far the best concert! She was bright and smiling and fun and great to see, even in the 13th row of the top balcony. We had tickets for her show in Boston in 1998 but our graduated from high school the same day and we couldn't go..:-(...but this show was fantastic ;-) Everyone in the audience was so physched, everyone was happy and signing. They gave out little lites at the beginning of the show and when they turned the house lites down the arena was lit up like a million stars, it was magical. Lindsey was in top form, we never saw him in concert before so it was a big treat, his voice is so powerful and when Stevie and Lindsey sang landslide it was incredible. Phoenix was neat too, never been there before and where it is Stevie's home it made for a special venue, and all her guests were great, Sheryl Crow was sensational, Don Henley was cool and Chris Issac rocked!! It was pretty cool to fly accross the counrty for a weekend for Stevie and and the Arizona Heart Institue, we'd do it again...in a heartbeat!! from Rick In a word my day with Stevie was AWESOME!! I flew in form Sacramento on Friday, The day of the concert I woke up early and drove out to Sodona (a must see to believe) I was in total "Awe" from that experience. Then it was off to the concert and again I was in awe from Stevies performance, This woman can really take you with her to the sky. Being a very proud fan for twenty years this was one of my favorite shows. My highlights were, the new CD is finished, Edge Of Seventeen, and a special moment at the after party. When from the balcony before they came down Chris Isaak peaked down on us and before you know it there was Stevie, her Mother, Sheryl, Lindsey and Don all waving. It was too cool. I will never forget the smile on Stevies face as we made eye contact, She looked so happy, So, surreal !! See you soon sweetie! from Roadspider My boyfriend and I flew in from Texas for this incredible show and spent a wonderfully long weekend in Phoenix (such a gorgeous place to relax and unwind). I won't go into much detail as everything has been so accurately described, but I would like comment on a couple of things. I've seen Stevie perform at least twice on every outing (both solo and with FM) since 1980 and I must say, I don't recall ever seeing her this happy. The energy in the arena was so electric, everyone knew that they were in for something out of the ordinary. Her performance of "Gold Dust Woman" was, quite frankly, the best I have ever seen. And "Rhiannon" (always hypnotizing) was just downright haunting - and that is, after all, what she does best. It was vintage Nicks through and through. Of course, the major highlight of the evening was the amazing Lindsey Buckingham. Let's face it - it just doesn't get any better than Buckingham and Nicks together on stage. There truly is magic when those two voices melt together. It was one of those "Thank God I am here!" moments... I also want to say that I thought it was a fabulous cause - this is a charity close to Stevie's (no pun intended) heart. So, it makes mine beat a little bit happier knowing I could somehow make a difference. Now, when do those Shangri-La tour dates get posted? :) from Sandstress After attending this concert and seeing Stevie in animated form, my 25 years as a Stevie Nicks fan (though it will always grow stronger) has alas, come to sweet blossom. As I search for words to tell of the elation I experienced when I shook Stevie's very soft hand (with what seemed like an eternity), 4 days later I feel like a rose that has come to the end of Summer, yet to bloom again in Spring. "Has anyone ever written anything for you"? Well, if you attended this concert, Stevie certainly did! Her melodious words came from her heart and right into my heart and the hearts of those fans who attended this most eventful and unforgettable concert. Her voice is like honey to the bees, and incredibly, it just keeps sweetly ringing as a "bell through the night", with time. She continues to be the most beautiful, mysterious, captivating, charming, enthralling and most 'rocking' artist that this planet has ever witnessed. If anyone (media or otherwise) has or could ever narrowly 'stereotype' a notion that Stevie's youthful age of 52 might have decelerated her energy level and output to her fans, think again. She could be the 'poster child' for the cliche', "You're as young as you feel", according to the energy level she easily exerted during this concert, that could be confused with that of a healthy youth. She was radiant and ageless in appearance as well, which complimented her form. What a delightful treat to anyone who attended this very personal concert, while she poured her heart out to every single person in the America West Arena audience - and all for the heart itself. I was one of the blessed fans, to be counted as a legitimate $1,000.00 contributor (thanks to a dear friend who contributed such as my Birthday gift) and I will always see her kind brown eyes looking down at me, as she shook my hand for what seemed like an eternity, and I will never forget this as long as I live. At that instant I felt a natural high like nothing I've ever experienced. Hail to the Queen of Rock and Roll. Stevie IS the "timeless face of a rock and roll woman". Stevie, if you read this, as a long-time fan, I want to ask YOU something: "Have you ever heard (me) sing"? Well, listen to (me) now. You know (I'd) rather be alone, than be without you. Don't you know? This is your 'song'. " Thank you so much for inspiring me for 25 years. I have always loved you and always will. from Daniel De Mello, New Jersey Unforgettable, golden memories were made on September 22nd, at the America West Area. Stevie Nicks, along with friends Sheryl Crow, Don Henley, Chris Isaak, and Lindsey Buckingham, performed on stage to help support the Arizona Heart Institution. The night began with Nicks father, Jess Nicks, introducing her daughter. Stevie crept out of the dim set, garbed in silky black attire, and began to sing "Outside the Rain" followed by "Dreams" and "Enchanted." During each small break between songs, Stevie would talk with the crowd and share little tid bits of information. After "Enchanted," the lights blazed a golden-orange color, and the haunting beat began - the beginnings of "Gold Dust Woman." Her sultry voice cast a spell on the entire audience. "Rock on, Gold Dust Woman..." --Gold Dust Woman Next, Sheryl Crow came on stage and sang "Every Day Is a Winding Road," "You're My Favorite Mistake" followed by "The Difficult Kind," which Stevie sang along to. Sheryl left the stage, and Stevie came out with a blood red shawl wrapped around her petite form. An outstanding version of "Stand Back" was performed. Stevie then started to sing the ever romantic song, "Leather and Lace." As soon as Don Henley's part was up, he appeared on the stage, with the crowd swooning. The duet shared the stage and concluded the amazing love song. Afterwards, Henley sang "Boys of Summer." After Henley left the stage, Nicks brought Chris Isaak, who was dressed in a very shocking red suit. He reminded me of a young Elvis Presley. He and Stevie sang "It's Late" and "Solitary Man." After "Solitary Man," Nicks left the stage and Isaak went into "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing." Chris Isaak brought a very interesting blend of humor and sexual energy to the arena. The arena got once again dim, with the stage lights turning a misty midnight blue. The piano began, marking the undeniable classic, "Rhiannon." Stevie poured her heart and soul in her haunting ballad. "Once in a million years a lady like her rises..." --Rhiannon After "Rhiannon," Nicks was joined by Lindsey Buckingham. The chemistry this duo shared was unmistakable. Lindsey sang two songs, dedicating them both to Stevie, in which she cried and left the stage for a moment. Buckingham performed "Big Love" and "Go Insane." Stevie returned to sing "Landslide" with Lindsey. And as if it couldn't get any better, a very rare version of "Gypsy" was performed by both Stevie and Lindsey. "I have no fear, I have only love..." --Gypsy Nicks left the stage for several minutes, only to return to begin a VERY POWERFUL version of "Edge of 17." The whole crowd was on their feet, singing along to the words of the White Winged Dove. The intensity of this song performed could not be measured. Stevie definitely put her all into this song in particular, which warmed many fans hearts. "And the days go by like a strand in the wind. In the web that is my own I begin again..." --Edge of 17 Once again, Nicks left the stage for a few minutes, only to return wrapped up on a stunning white beaded shawl. The piano began, and Stevie sang her last song of the night, "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You." Believe it or not, this was my first time to be able to get to see Stevie in the flesh. She looked exactly as I envisioned her - beautiful and ageless, while her voice proved to be sultry and magical. All in all, it was a night of pure excitement. Thanks to Nicks and all her friends for such a wondrous experience! from Tracy in Tucson I had never attended a concert of any kind before Saturday night. When I first got my tickets it still didn't seem real. Even on the drive up from Tucson, it still didn't seem like it was going to happen. I have loved Stevie for 23 years, since I was 14! When her father introduced her & I saw her come on stage, I felt like my heart would stop beating. She was no longer an image on a television screen. She was a living, breathing & breathtaking person. Suddenly I was on my feet clapping & singing along with her, just as I'd done in my dreams for years. The next two & a half hours were the most magical of my life. Words can't even begin to explain how I felt. When she sang Edge Of Seventeen (my absolute favorite), & after she screamed, the white light froze on her & you couldn't see her, just a silhouette. She looked like an angel, & that to me is Stevie. The night was perfect & so was Stevie. Thank you to Sheryl Crow, Don Henley, Chris Isaak, Lindsey Buckingham, but most of all thank you to Stevie for giving your fans a most beautiful night to remember! from Stacey, Albuquerque,NM. The concert was sooo incredible!! Stevie looked so beautiful and she was very happy to be there performing with all of her friends to benefit the Arizona Heart Institute. I was sitting in the very front row for the first time,and I will never forget seeing Stevie so close. Her vocals and her band sounded sooo awesome!! After her Dad introduced her(as always), she walked out on stage and she looked so BEAUTIFUL. The crowd went crazy, and I was just blown away!! I just can't say enough how awesome she looked!! Anyway, it was the best show I have ever seen, and I would do it again in a heart beat!!!! LOL!! Thakyou to Stevie and her friends for supporting such an important cause. The Arizona Heart Institute. from Britt Yvonne James, Irvine, CA Hello Stevie Fans - I started out from Irvine, CA and drove to Henderson, NV to pick up my Aunt. We then drove from Irvine, CA to Phoenix, AZ to see the one and only, with the beautiful, powerful vibrato voice, Mrs. Nicks. In comparing this show to her New Year's Eve show in Vegas at the House of Blues, this time she seemed even more powered up and energized. She kicked up her leg in Stand Back and really danced around for us more, in her flowing melodic way. It was apparent that she was jazzed to be doing this show for her father to benefit the AHI, and to have her friends there too! Okay, so I learned that Stevie and Chris Issac played together at a place called the Tic-Tac and her nick-name was "Happy"! I'm so "happy" to hear that what Stevie calls "our record", referring to her and Cheryl Crow, is now finished! Cheryl Crow produced 6 of the songs off the new album, according to Stevie! When Lindsey Buckingham dedicated two songs to Stevie, she wiped a tear from her cheek as she left the stage for him to perform. With all of their ups and downs, seeing them together on stage confirms just how much they have shared in one another's lives - I think they still care deeply about each other! How couldn't you - they've shared and accomplished so much together! When Lindsey played acoustically to Big Love, it was as if a whole band where accompanying him. This is how "larger than lifelike" he sounds in person! Everyone got all "mushy and sentimental" when Stevie and Don Henley sang Leather and Lace together! Cheryl Crow was good too, but she can never compare to my Stevie! It was cute when Cheryl was playing up to Chris Issac, in his red studded rhinestone suit, by crawling on the stage by him. Also, I think it's great that Stevie told Chris to tone his act down a bit because her parents were there at the show! Stevie seems like a real caring and compassionate woman. If I were her parents I would be real proud! They always say that the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree! I love you Stevie, you've inspired me to record my own music, you've taken me from an inmature bee-boppity singer and lead the way for me to discover my true inner, strong womanly voice! I'll never have what you have, or be as great as you. You'll always be my singing mentor and I hope to have the priviledge to meet you some day. from Jimjam Stevie Nicks in grandest style! The buildup for months in advance, the energy felt from the thousands of fans coming in from around the world! Then finally, Its here! Sept 21st! We arrived from Miami FL on Thursday morning, with so much anticipation, meeting people we had spoken to only throught the internet. There must have been at least one hundred of us staying at the same Hotel in PHX! At last the day of the show was the slowest day of all! Finally time came to leave for the show. I had the worst case of butterflies I have had since I was a little boy waiting for Santa Claus the night before christmas! This being about the 30th time seeing her in concert, I knew I was in for a treat, you could feel it in the air! She Blasted onstage with her ever so explosive version of "Outside the Rain", with that traditional, seemless flow into Dreams,and then "Enchanted", which was in perfect sequence! Rather than to go through all the songs, I'd rather talk about how playfull she was. She was all smiles and dancing around really enjoying herself. She spoke more than I''ve ever seen in a show, joking with the audience,and with her "friends". The lighting was absolutley the greatest. I remember during Rhiannon, towards the end, as she was singing Dreams unwind....loves a state of mind....the lights went down real low, then darted out as if in small narrow shaped circles, then with the fog billowing up throught those circles they slowly opened forming an almost earie, time machine tunnel .....I was mezmorized! She was so truely gracious, thanking everybody countless number of times! The show held numerous surprizes, with all her add-libbing you never know what she is going to sing, or say! The adrenelin was certainly flowing this glorious evening! The Party afterwards was a perfect way to wind down. She made her apperance with her friends, auctioned of fthe motorcycle, spoke and thanked everybody again, presented the AHI with a check for 200,000.00 and posed for some photos, and that was it. The most important part of this entire event is that we have now gained so many new friends that we met in AZ. A perfect testimonial of what Stevie Nicks is all about. She spreads Love, Joy and Unity! We not only witnessed the most incredible show, we also made some genuine "Friends"! Thank You! from Debi and Joe, North Hanover, New Jersey My husband and I flew out of Philadelphia on Friday evening to capture a long time dream of mine. I have long-awaited the golden opportunity to finally see Ms. Stevie Nicks. The dream came true on September 23rd in Phoenix and I would like to mention what a famulous place, AZ was to visit. We decided to do some site seeing the day of the show and plan for the night ahead of us. Being from the east coast we took advantage of the fantastic AZ weather and were poolside that afternoon - to our surprise the resort started playing Stevie tunes at the pool--as I was still dazed at the fact I was actually going to be at the show in a couple of hours! We had dinner at a beautiful haciend restaurant that overlooked the Camelback mountain and I understood then, where the beauty of Stevie's lyrics came from. When the magical hour finally arrived we went immediately to our seats anticipating the show to begin. Well...of course when she came onto the stage tears came down as I took my first glimpse at Stevie. To finally see and hear her perform made it very clear why she is still (and always will be) rock-n-roll's best. Every friend outdid the next but we both agreed that the highlight of the show was seeing Stevie and Lindsey together and doing what they do best--I'll never forget how well the both of them harmonized and to feel the intensity of their singing was overwhelming (as well as the guitar playing of Mr. Lindsey Buckingham). Gypsy (a personal favorite) was a once in a lifetime treat - the acoustic version amazed us both and will remain in our hearts forever. Although the weekend feels somewhat like a dream - always remember dreams do come true! Thank you, Stevie, Lindsey, Don, Chris, Sheryl & AHI People traveled from all over the world to see Stevie perform in Phoenix on August 24. I was pleased as I scanned the reviews already posted to the Nicksfix to see others who made the pilgrimage from New York. I too could only provide a glowing review not too different from those already posted, so instead, I will talk about the experience in a different way. I began to think about the relationship that exists between Stevie and her fans. It is like a long distance romance. The love, unconditional, even though sometimes years go before we meet again. At the concert, Sheryl Crow said that Stevie had the best fans, and she does. I remember watching a VH1 special when Mick Fleetwood commented on how Stevie's fans were loyal and forgiving. Consider the very minor blunders that happened on August 24: Stevie singing at the wrong microphone, or Stand Back, perhaps, beginning at the wrong time. It was unimportant to me and to anyone else there. We came to support Stevie and were overjoyed to see and hear her. We--the fans--only want the best for her. We were happy that her father and mother were there and looking happy and healthy. And we were so very happy with the exchange of kindness between Stevie and Lindsay. He never seemed warmer and happier than on that night. When Stevie's music begins, I go into another world. It's a romantic world, and I remember my own big loves and reflect on my own life. The songs connect so personally to my own life. The "friends" at the concert all contributed stellar performances, but I must separate Don & Lindsey with Sheryl and Chris. Don and Lindsey were part of the musical story. They blending in perfectly with the "novel" (my novel) that was unfolding during the concert. In contrast, Sheryl and Chris were excellent but intrusions. It was like reading Wuthering Heights, and in between chapters 3 & 4, was an insertion of Tom Jones. All great artists with great work but the synergy was off for me. The best part of the concert was catching those rare moments: Leather and Lace with Don Henley--excellent; Don Henley's voice rang so clear; Stevie's father's introducing her--cool; and my favorite, the acoustic version of Gypsy. I would love to own a recording of this version. It was beautiful. Lindsey is a genius, extremely gifted. It is five days later, and I still can stop thinking about the show. Oh, and did I mention I shook hands with Stevie after Edge of Seventeen. I did so once before 10 years ago in Atlantic City. With her millions of fans, I know it is silly, but I feel like I shared an intimate moment with her. I guess the romance will continue. from Cheryl I fly to where Stevie is in concert always - my last concert with her was a few summers ago at the Gorge just east of Seattle. Three of us flew from Seattle and met up with our friends in Phoenix for the concert last week - we all agreed that it was the best ever. What a great line up of stars - I had never seen Chris Isaak in concert, and I will now be a Chris Isaak fan forever. I have all the albums and CD's of everyone that preformed last Saturday night and so I came home and ran right out and bought all of Chris Isaak's CD's. I am a great believer of giving back to the community and so it was so wonderful to know that all the fans helped donate the whole evening to the Heart Association - thank you so much Stevie for making it happen, I will show up again for the next one. Love all of you from Seattle.... from Robin & Laura, "The Twins" Bronx,N.Y. It all began as soon as we reached our hotel, we met the best Stevie Fans there and had a blast with them!!!! Then came time to go to the show, me, my twin sis & 2 of our buds Tammy & Jackie. The excitement was building, everyone so wonderfully dressed. OK we reach the arena to then walk down the Red Carpet what a feeling, they gave out beautiful Roses to everyone, we got inside & our seats were great, they were so close we could see Stevie's Parents to the right of us & we saw her brother Chris lookin' real cool!!!! And then Stevie's adorable father introduced her & Beautiful Stevie came out & started w/Outside The Rain then into Dreams!!!! She sounded incredible & then I look & I see it's Waddy Wachtel he looked exactly the same as he did in the 80's, I was thrilled to see him, Waddy has the wonderful hard edge rock & roll sound awesome.....Please Stevie keep Waddy on your next tour!!!! Anyway Sheryl Crow came out & looking real Funky she is great, her & Stevie did "Everyday Is A Winding Road" they were having a Blast up there. Then Stevie walked off & Sheryl did "My Favorite Mistake" sounded great, then Stevie came back out & did "Difficult Kind" w/ Sheryl what a treat their voices together BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Ok now Stevie is on stage by herself then all of a sudden the music starts to Leather & Lace & she starts singing then who comes walking out right on his cue Don Henley of course, this was totally incredibly beautiful. I never got to hear L&L live, it brought tears our eyes!!!! Then Stevie went off & Don did a great version of "Boys Of Summer" Stevie looked beautiful, comfortable, she joked with her friends she was having fun!!!! Chris Isaak then came out & he was great, what a cutie, him & Stevie did "It's Late" what a treat that was & "Solitary Man". Then he did "Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing" Sheryl Crow came out crawling on her knees like a cat seductively joking w/him & then sang the rest of the song w/him they were adorable!!!!! Chris Isaak is a good performer with alot of personality. And then......Lindsey the place erupted!!!! He is so sweet, poetic, and musical genius!!! He & Stevie were on stage as he spoke of there past Stevie stood behind him holding him affectionately as he told a wonderful story of how they would always go to AZ visiting Stevie's parents etc... Then he kissed Stevie's hand as she left the stage & from where we were sitting we could see her wiping the tears from her face very touching moment!!! Then he said I would like to dedicate these next 2 songs to Stevie "Big Love" & "Go Insane" need I say any more but i will ...Everyone was in awe, you could feel it & see it just amazing!!!! Stevie comes back out after that & they both dedicated "Landslide" to her parents, Aunt, & Lindsey's brother very cool!!! After that Stevie says "Lindsey decided we should do this song it's special & I said ok" & then all of a sudden , Carlos, Stevie, Lindsey, & Waddy with Acoustic guitars in hand did "GYPSY" another of many amazing moments!!!!! "Edge of Seventeen" begins to start & one of the security guards came up to us & said go ahead go over to the stage & we ran....just as some other people were allowed to go, security was very cool!!! Stevie walked out & totally Rocked!!! As she walked along the stage to shake hands we were towards the right of the stage just waiting and hoping to shake her hand!!!!! And yes she leaned down grabbed my sister's hand looked her right in the face with a huge smile and all my sis could say to Stevie was "I Love You Stevie" and then she extended her hand out to me and I got to shake her hand also!!!!! Then did "I Need to Know" and "HAEWAFY" at the end all her guests came out & Sheryl Crow wiping tears from her eyes, I'm sure she was just as moved as everyone else!!!! We attended the after party, it was lovely, Stevie, her Dad & Friends came out & Stevie was shown a check for $200,000 that she raised. She said a speech thanking her friends as they stood there looking very proud to be in her company & proud of her accomplishments. It was a wonderful evening, it was our pleasure to be a part of something so important!!!!!! Thank You Stevie for the awareness & for a very special, fun, & emotional time. Thank You for all the years of such inspirational music, we look forward to your new CD & Tour. from Angela I don't know what I can say about the concert that hasn't already been said, but I will try to post a few personal highlights of my own to share with others... I can definitely say without a doubt that this was the BEST concert I have ever been to in my life! Stevie sounded better than ever, and she was very happy and energetic. It was obvious that she was glad her "friends" could be there- Sheryl Crow, Don Henley, Chris Isaak..... and Lindsey Buckingham. There were many surprises that night. I was so excited to see "It's Late" performed by Stevie and Chris Isaak. Chris sang most of the main parts, with Stevie dancing around and singing the echo parts. My favorite moment of the evening was when Lindsey came out and he started to give a speech and told Stevie to stay with him for a minute while he did. She stood behind him and wrapped her arms around him as he spoke. He talked about how special Phoenix was to both of them, and he dedicated "Big Love" and "Go Insane" to her. She was very touched by his words and she started to cry. The chemistry those two have is undeniable... they are simply magic when they are onstage together. There are no words to describe it. It was such a treat to hear the acoustic version of "Gypsy" with Stevie singing most of the song and Lindsey finally joining in on "Lightning strikes... maybe once, maybe twice" parts. I couldn't even sing along to the song.... I just stood there in awe. After that, I heard the drums start to play and knew what song was next. I grabbed my things and ran over to the side aisle to go up to the stage. Security was very tight at the show, so at first they were not going to allow us to run up there. I told them that Stevie needed her fans up there for this song, and begged them to let us go up there. A minute later, a security guy (who was probably from Stevie's personal security and not the arena's) came up to me and looked at my pass and told me to go up. I was very fortunate to get up there, because they didn't let too many people go. I had written a letter to Stevie in hopes that somehow I could get it to her. When she came along the stage during "Edge of Seventeen" like she always does, I help up my letter high and Stevie reached really far and she grabbed it out of my hands! I was so happy that she took it! She handed it to her security guy next to her, and he handed it to someone else..... so hopefully Stevie got it back again eventually after the show. When the concert was over, everyone proceeded to leave the arena slowly. I got into the shuttle to go to the Wells Fargo building next. We got to walk on a long red carpet into the building and we went over to the table with the gifts and gave them our name to check their list for. We got a blue box from Tiffany & Co. that had a clear glass candle holder inside. It is one of the kinds that you fill up with water, and put the tiny floating candle in. They served drinks and fancy little desserts for everyone. They had a small stage that was roped off and had the Wells Fargo carriage behind it. We knew that something would be going on there, so people flocked in that direction. About 30 minutes later, all of Stevie and her "friends" showed up. They were on the balcony above us and they all waved down at us. I yelled out "I love you Lindsey!" and he looked in my direction and I blew him a kiss. He smiled and pointed at me and blew a kiss right back at me, which brought a big smile to my face. A few minutes later they all came down from a back entrance and were directly on the stage. The first thing I noticed was Stevie's outfit- she was wearing red snakeskin pants with a long sleeved black velvet shirt over it that was cut slanted on the end, and a long gold cross/ mala necklace and cute black platform shoes. She looked great! I think that outfit was definitely influenced by Sheryl Crow, so they probably went shopping together to pick it out. Stevie gave a small speech thanking everyone and presented a check for them. Someone up front brought a Buckingham Nicks album to get signed. Lindsey noticed it and went over to grab it and sign it, and then handed it to Stevie to sign. I thought that was very sweet of them to do. They all left shortly after that. Some people were expecting them to stay and mingle with the crowd, but I was just happy to be there! That trip may have cost a lot of money, but the memories are priceless. I will never forget that night. Thank you, Stevie..... for always giving us so much. You are an angel. from SiseroJo Almost a quarter of a century ago I attended THE FIRST heart gig that Stevie (with Fleetwood Mac) gave in Arizona [see poster]. I had just graduated from high school and was enjoying that last summer I would ever know as a "summer vacation", after all when September came that year I would no longer be a student. It was 1977 and "Rumours" was playing everywhere you went in those days. So much so, it was like having a Fleetwood Mac radio station. I mean no matter where you turned it on the dial , you'd just finish hearing "Go your own Way" and change the station and "Dreams" would come on. Since I lived in Phoenix and the show was in Tuscon we took a party road trip to the concert. The ticket cost $8.00, the memories remain priceless. Seeing Saturday's show reminded me of how much the times have changed, but the music hasnt. I didn't try to dress up like her any more and apparently other long time female fans are the same. Not nearly as many girls in the audience stuck out but I was glad to see that some of her younger fans are just as capable of getting "Stevie'd out" as I was 20 years ago. It was also the first time my daughter Christel Lyn (yup named after my favorite Stevie song) age 22 saw her perform live and so begins another generation of fans. She was just as captivated as I am still. What a joy her songs continue to bring and she is so much more in command these days. Her musical reunion with Lindsey feels so natural because those voices are meant to be together. To be able to come full circle with that is amazing. Their rendition of "Gypsy" made me realize how much I miss hearing the two of them sing together. The fact that they recognize this and are more comfortable with each other these days gives the possabilities for creating more music endless. I only wish they would have sang "Crystal" for the obvious reason here! The most wonderful thing about Stevie's voice was in her duets. The harmonies that night were just so beautifull. I was very close to tears many times, I was so touched by the fact that many of those songs can still envoke such emotions after all these years. Her music remains as timeless as she. My favorite duet was "It's Late" with Chris Isaak and he brought a bit of humor to the show which is rarely seen at a Stevie show. His story before he and Stevie sang "Solitary Man" was hilarious and it was great the way the two of them interacted (a future recorded duet with the two of them would be fantastic!) As always Stevies voice completely complimented his vocals and everyone else she sang with. Sheryl Crow is obviously the hardest working women in Rock and Roll at this time as she not only played with Stevie, but also opened up for Neal Young at his show the following night at Desert Sky. When she crawled around close to Chris's legs during "Bad bad thing" the crowd went wild. The only thing missing that night was the usual, unusual storms that seem to blow into Phoenix everytime Stevie plays here, and the original top hat she would wear when she would sing "Rhiannon". I always thought that was just so cool, but the fact remains that the lady has survived so much and still continues to be the most prolific songwriter and enduring performer of my generation. Thank God that she continues making music that I can now sing along with to my granddaughter. Seeing her perform live the first time in 1977 was an experience I had never felt, and her songs with the connection she has with the audience just totally captivated me. And I still feel that way everytime I see her perform. The fact that her shows in Phoenix have always been more intimate make them all the more special. It's like a favorite relative has come back to visit and brought along all these great stories to tell you. Thank you Stevie for giving me and my daughter one of the most special nights we've ever had. A night of BLISS By: Belle A night with Stevie brought much BLISS ~ The concert I knew I could not miss ! Many fans came from near and far~ All gathered as one to see our star! Waking up Saturday preparing for my night~ If I make it through dinner, I shall be all right! Looking around at faces so new~ Being my-self was all I could do! Winning a picture so touched my heart~ My night was off to a wonderful start! Into the arena we all walked in tune~ Almost falling down stairs, oh what a loon! No matter no biggie, we all were okay~ What words to be spoken when you are so blown away? Finding my seat and looking around~ Section A, Row Six; Wooohooo I was sitting on the ground! For the first time in life, I would see Stevie's face~ As I wondered to my-self, would they do leather and lace! My head was spinning and my heartbeat was fast~ Then I felt the touch of a DEAR friend at last! I turned around with a big huge smile~ The show was to start in just a short while! Suddenly Stevie was standing in sight~ Wow, it is true we are both the same height! I need to stand and stare in awe~ I could not believe the person I saw! She is beautiful and was happy she sounded so great~ I knew my being there had much to do with fate! I had tears in eyes with every new song~ Watching her move, she is soo very strong! I sat down for a moment to take it all in~ And looked to my husband with a huge thankful grin! A giant, a legend, and a heroine I realize~ So tiny and graceful and powerful in size! When I first heard Rhiannon, my tears flowed at last~ Reflecting on how the years flew by fast! I was five the first time I heard her sing this song~ It carried me through life when things would go wrong! During this song, the one I HOLD dear~ Her voice, her gift was all I could hear! I heard no sounds, not one at all~ All quiet in my mind in the big arena hall! Then sudden the crowd roared in such delight~ That is the moment I landed my flight! Seeing them together is was something you knew~ Lindsey and Stevie have a "Frozen Love" so true! The words were deep and all hearts did melt~ And, Stevie's tears where so deeply felt!!! I made my way to the stage in the left corner I think~ I made eye contact with Stevie I never did blink! She grabbed our hands and you could feel her love~ You know she really is like a white wing dove!!! You really can feel the magic in her hand~ I do not think l will ever understand??? The concert was amazing I have no words to share~ The fans are true and really do care! A concert for a cure, so this disease we will never know~ I was honored to be apart of this benefit show! This concert I am glad I did not miss~ The night with Stevie did bring much Bliss!!! THE END!!!
If you attended the concert and wish to send a review, email it to: reviews@nicksfix.com. Reviews will be accepted until October 1st. Due to the large amount of reviews received, only a sample of the reviews can be posted.